Български (България)English (United Kingdom)
Bulgarian successes (Part 1)

trophy(18.03.2012) Here are presented recently honored chess compositions by bulgarian composers.


1) 1.nRf3 nQ:f8-a3 2.Kb1 nB:f3-d3#

    1.nNf3 nQ:c4-c3+ 2.Kd1 nR:f3-b1#

    1.nBf3 nQ:g7-g2+ 2.Kd3 nN:f3-b7#


2) a) 1.Rb7[wR] Ng6[bN] 2.K:b7-h7 R:g6-e7#

   b) 1.Na5[wN] Bg6[bB] 2.K:a5-g8 N:g6-e4#

   c) 1.Bd4[wB] Rg6[bR] 2.K:d4-h8 B:g6-f6#


3) 1…nBh5 2.Rc8! nQh8 3.Q:g2(Qd8) nB:f7(nBf1)#

    1…nRf5 2.Ra8! nQd7 3.Q:h2(Qd8) nR:f3(nRh1)#



4) 1.Rg7! nLEc1+ 2.Ke5 nLE:h6(nLEh8)# (3.K:d4[Ke8]??)

    1.Rd7! nLEf1+ 2.Kf5 nLE:c4(LEc8)# (3.K:g4[Ke8]??)

    1.Rc7! nLEg1+ 2.Kf4 nLE:b6)nLEb8)# (3.K:g4[Ke8]??)


5) 1…R:e2-e5 2.Be3 Qc7 3.b:c7-c2+ R:e3-b6#

    1.Qg5 B:d4-f2 2.Re3 Qe6 3.f:e6-b3+ B:e3-e5#


6) 1.Rb5[bR] d1LE[wLE] 2.LEf1[bLE] h1R[wR] 3.Rg1[bR] Rf8[wR] 4.LE:b5+ LE:f8#

     1.Rb4[bR] d1R[wR] 2.Rd3[bR] h1LE[wLE] 3.LEh7[bLE] Rd8[wR] 4.LE:b4+ R:d8#



7) 1.Kb3! [2.nR:d8(nNc2)+ nRd4 3.nR:f4(bPe4)#]

1…nR:d8(nNe8) 2.nN:g4(bPd7)+ nNe8 3.nN:h2(bPg4)#

1…nRb7 2.nN:b7(nRa8)+ nNd8 3.nN:f4(bPe6)#

     1.Kb2? nRb7!, 1.Ka4? 2.b5+!


8) 1…Rb5+ 2.Ka4 Ra5+ 3.Kb3 Ba4+ 4.Ka2 e3 5.Qc2+ B:c2#

    1…Bb5! 2.Kb6 Ba6+! 3.Kc7 Tb7+ 4.Kc8 g5 5.Qh7+ R:h7#


9) 1.nLEh4! TRf1 2.Kc8 TR:f4-f5#, 1.nPAa3! NEe1 2.Kb7 NE:c3-b4#



10) a) 1.NAd1 2.NAb2 3.NA:d6 4.Kb5 5.NAc8 6.NAb6 7.Ka6 Ng2#

      b) 1.NAg7 2.NAe8 3.NA:c4 4.Kb6 5.NAa3 6.NAb5 7.Ka6 Nh4#


11) 1.RL:f6 nBL:a7 2.nBLd4 nBL:f6#, 1.BL:e3 nRL:a6 2.nRLe6 nRL:e3#


12) 1.Se7 Q:d6+ 2.K:d6 c4 3.Re5 c5#

      1.Qg7 Q:d5+ 2.K:d5 c3 3.Qe5 c4#

      1.Se3 Q:d4+ 2.K:d4 Kb4 3.e5 c3#



13) 1.Qg6? (2.Qe4+ R:e4 3.R:d3+ B:d3#), 1…Sf4!

      1.Ra4! [2.Sb6+! Sb4 3.Se6+! R:e6 4.Ra:b4+ Bc4#]

1…Se1 2.Qg4+! Re4 3.Se5+! Bc4 4.Sf3+ S:f3#

1…Sc1 2.Be5+! R:e5 3.Sa5+! Bc4 4.Sb3+ S:b3#

1…R:d2 2.Se3+! Sb4 3.Se6+ Kc3 4.Sd1+ R:d1#

(1…Sf4 2.B:f4…; 1…S:c5 2.Qg4+ …;1…Sb4 2.Sb6+/Ra:b4…)


14) a) 1.Qd3! Kb6! 2.Qd6+ Ka5 3.Qa3+ Kb6 4.Rb8+ Kc7 5.Qc3+ Rc5 6.Qa5+ R:a5#

      b) 1.Be1! Kb6 2.Rb8+ Ka6 3.Qc8+ Rb7 4.Rd5 Kb6 5.Qc5+ Ka6 6.Qa7+ R:a7#

      c) 1.Ra1+! Kb6 2.Rd3+ Rc5 3.Ra6+ Kc7 4.Bg3+ Kc8 5.Rc6+ R:c6 6.Qa6+ R:a6#

      d) 1.Bb4! Kb6 2.Qe6+ Kc7 3.Rd7+ Kc8 4.Ra7+ Kd8 5.Qd6+ Kc8 6.Qb8+ R:b8#


15) a) 1…d3 2.Qf1 g:f1S(wK=rQ) 3.e:d3 Se3 4. rQ:e3 (bK=rS)+ Q:d3(wrQ=K)#

[5.K:d3(brS=rQ)?? selfcheck]

      b) 1…Qe6 2.Qh1+ g:h1=B(wK=rQ) 3.e3 Bf3 4.rQ:f3 (bK=rB)+ Q:e3(wrQ=K)#

[5.K:e3(brB =rQ)?? selfcheck]



16) 1.Sc8? 1…S:e4!, 1.Sg6? 1…R:e4!,

      1.Bd6? 1…R:e4!, 1.B:e5? 1…S:e4!

      1.Rc8? 1…R:e4!, 1.h1S? 1…Rg1!

      1.Bb8! (2.B:d5+ c:d5 3.Rc8#)

1…R:e4 2.Sc8… 3.Sd6#, 1…S:e4 2.Sg6… 3.S:e5#,

1…d:e4 2.h8Q… 3.Qg8#, 1…Sb3 2.B:d3+ S:d3 3.Qc2#


17) 1.Se4!! (2.Sc5#), 1…K:e4 2.Bd2#, 1…Sce6 2.Bf4#,

       1…Sge6 2.Bg5#,1…Ra5 2.Sf2#, 1…d:e3 2.Q:e3#


18)1.Bd8 (2.R:e3+ Kd6 3.Re6+ Kd5 4.R:e2+ Kd6

5.Re6+ Kd5 6.Re3+ Kd6 7.Qd1+ R:d1#)

   1…f:e1B 2.R:f6+ Ke5 3.Re6+ Kd5 4.R:h6+ Ke5

5.Bf6+ Kd6 6.Bh4+ Ke5 7.Bg3+ B:g3#

   1…f:e1S 2.R:b6+ Ke5 3.Re6+ Kd5 4.Ra6+ Ke5

5.Sac6+ Kd6 6.Sb4+ Ke5 7.Sd3+ S:d3#



+4 #1 seetharaman 2012-03-20 06:22
Such variety! 2,3,movers, helpmate, selfmate, fairies. With such abundant talent, surprising Bulgaria does not participate in WCCT.
+4 #2 seetharaman 2012-03-21 17:23
All outstanding problems. I have already ordered some of books of Petkov. Recently I acquired a copy of the book: 'Israeli chess Problem Art' and loved it. I am sure a book on Bulgarian chess problems should be equally valuable.
+3 #3 dkostadinov 2012-03-21 20:32
Hello Ram. Thank you for your comments. Yes, book with selected compositions by bulgarian composers is good idea, but we have to see will it be possible or not.

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