Задача 510: Valerio Agostini & Marco Bonavoglia - Fairy (Circe, Einstein chess) |
(26.01.2015) Феерична задача с четири близнака от италианският тандем. Добре дошъл на Marco Bonavoglia!
a) 1.Sxd3=B (wPd2) Sxd3=B (bBc8) 2.Bd7=S! e3#
b) 1.Sd1=P c5 2.Ke5 Ra1=B#
c) 1.Sc4=P dxc4=S (bPc7) 2.cxb6=S (wPb2) Sxb6=B (bSb8)#
d) 1.Sa4=P Sxa4=B (bPa7) 2.axb6=S (wPb2) Bc2=S#
Einstein chess: every time a piece moves (without capturing), it "loses energy" and transforms itself ("is demoted") into a smaller unit, one step down the ladder from Queen to Rook to Bishop to Knight to Pawn. Every time a piece captures, it gains energy and transforms itself ("is promoted") into the next bigger unit. Kings do not transform. A capturing Queen-move or a non-capturing Pawn-move does not lead to any transformation. There are no promotions. So that you can have pawns on the 8-th rank (where they are stuck). You can also have pawns on the 1st-rank (after a non-capturing Knight move): these pawns can make a single, double or triple step forward. After a double or triple step, they can be captured en-passant by an enemy pawn on the 3rd or 4th rank. After a triple step, en-passant capture can take place on two different squares!
Circe:Captured units (not Ks) reappear on their game-array squares, of the same colour (pieces), on the file of capture (pawns), or on the capture file’s promotion square (fairy pieces). If the rebirth square is occupied the capture is normal. |
Главен редактор:
Диян Костадинов
Помощник редактор:
Seetharaman Kalyan