Задача 563: Kalyan Seetharaman - Fairy (RookLion, BishopLion, Nao, Mao) |
(29.03.2015) Seetharaman подобрява задачата си, спечелила премия на конкурса 85-Zabunov Memorial Tourney, като добавя още едно решение.
563. Kalyan Seetharaman (India)
HS#2.5 3 sol. (3+9)
f1, h2: Rook Lion
a6: Bishop Lion
b3: Nao, g3: Mao
1...Rb2 2.RLb1+ NAf1 3.Qd2+ Rxb1#
1...Rc2 2.RLc1+ BLf1 3.Qe2+ Rxc1#
1...Rd2 2.RLd1+ MAf1 3.Qf2+ Rxd1#
Zabunov theme tripled in Meredith. Reciprocal transformations of battery. Incarceration of black pieces by queen. Triple avoidance on black move to f1! (Author)
Rook-lion (RL): a rookhopper which can move toanysquare beyond the hurdle.
Bishop-lion (BL): a bishophopper which can move toanysquare beyond the hurdle.
Nao (NA): Moves like a Nightrider, but only captures by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond the hurdle on the same line.
Mao (MA): Moves as a knight, but the orthogonal square intervening between its points of departure and arrival must be vacant (e.g. MAa1-c2 requires b1 to be vacant).
Nightrider (N): a rider along any straight line of S moves.
Главен редактор:
Диян Костадинов
Помощник редактор:
Seetharaman Kalyan