Задача 632: Eugene Rosner - Fairy (Symmetry Circe, Antipodean Circe) |
(01.12.2015) Феерична двуходовка от Eugene Rosner с интересна Цирце комбинация и циклични матове.
a) 1.e7? Bxh6(Ra3)!
1.f4! (zz)
1…Rxe8(Rd1) a 2.Rxd4# A, 1…Bxf6(Bc3) b 2.Sa5# B, 1…Bxh6(Ra3) c 2.Sd2# C
1…d3 2.exd3# (1…fxe6(Pd3)+? is illegal)
b) 1.f4? fxe6(Pa2)!
1.e7! (zz)
1…Rxe8(Ra4) a 2.Sa5# B#, 1…Bxf6(Bb2) b 2.Sd2# C, 1…Bxh6(Rd2) c 2.Rxd4# A
1…d3 2.exd3#
Near-Lacny(the reborn rooks mating on d4 are different), cycle of mates, Argentinian twinning, reciprocal try/key. Abundant rebirth effects.
Notes: Kd6,Pe5 are crucial dual-avoiding blocks, the former also guards d5, the latter blocks the d4 rebirth square in A. (Author)
Antipodean Circe: As Circe but the rebirth square for the captured piece is the one at a distance of 4,4 from where a unit is captured (its "antipodes"). Thus a capture on c1 produces a rebirth on g5. If the rebirth square is occupied the capture is normal. Pawns reborn on promotion squares promote immediately.
Symmetry Circe: like Circe, but the rebirth square is the square diametrically opposite the capture-square, with respect to the central point of the board (e.g. capture on g6 - rebirth on b3) |
Главен редактор:
Диян Костадинов
Помощник редактор:
Seetharaman Kalyan