(25.03.2013) Krassimir Gandev presents a new fairy piece Locust-Bob in original way with Circe and triple mate by neutral pieces.
(24.03.2013) Twomover with Kings's Shiffman and changed mates by Zivko Janevski from Macedonia.
(23.03.2013) Helpmate with change of functions and reciprocal moves by S. K. Balasubramanian from India.
(22.03.2013) Excellent Take & Make problem by Pierre Tritten from France who is very productive with this type fairy problems.
(21.03.2013) Today is IM Krassimir Gandev's Birthday! He is one of the best bulgarian composers and I wish him good health, a lot of happyness and success! Many of us know about his fairy chess masterpieces, but he composing in all genres and here you can see some examples.
(21.03.2013) Yesterday I was in Varna with my wife and this had been good possibility to meet the bulgarian maestro Nikolay Dimitrov for the first time. Here you can see two photos from our meeting in his home.
(19.03.2013) Today was the new Pope Francis inauguration as the new leader of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics. But this article is dedicated to one of his predecessors - the famous Pope John Paul II (18 May 1920 – 2 April 2005) and the beliefs that he was also a chess composer! His real name is Karol Jozef Wojtyla. Here are two of "his" problems.
(18.03.2013) Helpmate with unpins, open and closing of lines, change of functions and dual avoidance by Ricardo Vieira from Brazil.
(17.03.2013) Helpmate with Set play and Miniature form by Valerio Agostini from Italy.
(16.03.2013) Twomover with rich thematic tries play by Francesco Simoni from Italy.
(15.03.2013) A very good presentation of "Circe Cage" by Paul Raican (Romania).
(13.03.2013) Rich thematic complex in H#3 problem by Antal Harl from Hungary.
(12.03.2013) New original by Zivko Janevski from Macedonia - this time twomover with nice key, changes and transfers of mates.
(11.03.2013) Avanta theme and Ideal mates in H#4. Welcome to Nikolaj Zujev from Lithuania!
(10.03.2013) The interesting fairy condition Oscillating Kings lead to curious play in this new original problem by Valerio Agostini from Italy.