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Problem 142: Vlaicu Crisan & S.K.Balasubramanian - Fairy (KoBul Kings, Locust)

balasubramaniancrisan(09.03.2013) As an inventor of KoBul Kings fairy condition I am always happy when I see new problem of this type. Here the authors present a nice combination of KoBul Kings and Locust. Thanks for such an activity to Balasubramanian and welcome to Vlaicu Crisan - a top class fairy composer from Romania!

Problem 141: Ricardo Vieira - Helpmate

ricardo(09.03.2013) Beautiful helpmate with masked Royal batteries play, openning of lines, selfblocks, ODT and dual avoidance.  I am happy to say welcome to Ricardo Vieira from Brazil! 

Problem 140: Anatoly Stepochkin - Fairy (KoKo, Lion)

anatoly stepochkin(08.03.2013) Nice promotions, switchbacks and KoKo play in this fairy miniature by Anatoly Stepochkin from Russia.

Problem 139*: Anton Bidlen - Fairy (Series H=) - Updated

bidlen(07.03.2013) Series Help Stalemate with long black Bishop trip by a new composer from Slovakia - welcome to Anton Bidlen! *Here is also the improved version by Seetharaman Kalyan (India)

Problem 138: Steven Dowd - Selfmate

dowd(06.03.2013) A "Fata Morgana" selfmate from the first American composer on this website - welcome to Steven Dowd from USA! On the photo you can see "the young" Steven.

Problem 137: Dmitri Turevski & Boris Shorokhov - Helpmate

shorokhovturevski(06.03.2013) A fun tempo maneuver in helpmate moremover by Dmitri Turevski (on the Right photo) and his compatriot - welcome to Boris Shorokhov (ot the Left photo) from Russia!

KoBulChess Twomovers 2012 AWARD

logo(05.03.2013) Here is the Award of KoBulChess Twomovers 2012. After the shocking news about the death of Milan Velimirovic (who was the original judge of the tourney) I asked his compatriot, friend and great twomover expert Marjan Kovacevic to replace him as a judge. I appreciate the Marjan's agreement and thank him a lot for his quick and excellent job!

Problem 136: Antal Harl - Helpmate

harl(04.03.2013) Helpmate in two moves by a new composer for this website - welcome to Antal Harl from Hungary!

Problem 135: Leonid Makaronez - Threemover

makaronez(02.03.2013) An attractive threemover in twin form by Leonid Makaronez from Israel.

Problem 134: Pierre Tritten - Fairy (Take & Make)

tritten(28.02.2013) New interesting Take & Make Fairy problem by Pierre Tritten from France.

Problem 133: Michael Grushko - Fairy (Take & Make, Couscous Circe)

grushko.jpg(27.02.2013) I am happy to publish this fairy original by Michael Grushko, which is Dedicated to Petko Petkov in occasion of his Birthday!

Today is Petko Petkov's 71st Birthday!

pp(27.02.2013) Today is IGM Petko Petkov's Birthday! He is the best bulgarian composer ever - Olympic and four times World champion, number one in the list of FIDE Album points!

Problem 132: Garib Huseynov - Twomover

huseynov(27.02.2013) Here is the first Original by Azeri composer published in this website. Welcome to Garib Huseynov from Azerbaijan!


Problem 131: Zivko Janevski - Selfmate

janevski(26.02.2013) Interesting selfmate with thematic tries by the key piece by Zivko Janevski (Macedonia).

Shocking news! Milan Velimirovic passed away

milan velimirovic(25.02.2013) I am sad to report about the terrible news that Milan Velimirovic passed away...

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