The new issue 8/2012 of the bulgarian chess magazine "Shahmatna misal" is now available. The "Chess composition" section there is edited by IGM Petko Petkov.
I am glad to present you two new improved versions of awarded problems from WCCC Kobe 2012 together with some more photos! Thank you for sharing with us Menachem!
Here are the new KoBulChess fairy originals for August - September 2012 . All of them are by high class authors and present an interesting ideas and thematic complexes. Welcome to Hubert Gockel (Germany), Michael Grushko (Israel) and James Quah (Singapore)!
To celebrate his birthday and his fairy invention Superguards, K.Seetharaman, (India) announces a Theme Tourney for problems featuring Superguards, the new Fairy Condition.
The I nternational Solving Contest next year will take place on Sunday January 27th 2013. The event is happening simultaneously in all participating countries.
There will be two sections: one for the experienced solvers. In this section solvers can obtain rating points.
Everybody knows that the composing tourneys during the WCCC are with very short composing period and sometime this is not enough for the authors to finding the best realisations. In this article we can see two very good improved versions of two nice compositions from WCCC Kobe 2012 (thank you for sharing with us mr. ellighoven).
After some delay because of WCCC in Kobe, now the KoBulChess Originals August - September 2012 are finally here! In Part 1 are published twomovers, threemovers, helpmates and selfmates. The fairies will be published in Part 2. Welcome to Fadil Abdurahmanovic from Bosnia and Herzegovina!
Here are some photos and the problems used in the lecture "KoBul Kings" by Diyan Kostadinov during the WCCC Kobe 2012.
This is part of the lecture "Cyclone themes in twomovers" by Peter Gvozdjak during the WCCC Kobe 2012.
Here are selected compositions from the WCCC Kobe 2012 Tourneys (Quick Composing, Long Thematic, Vodka, Sake, Tzuika, Wine, Sabra and Champagne Tourneys)
Here are many photos from the prize giving ceremony and the closing banquet of WCCC Kobe 2012.
Here is the award of the 3rd Bulgarian Wine Tourney - WCCC Kobe 2012.
This day was dedicated to so exciting excursion to Kyoto - town with such a beautiful nature and temples. Enjoy the photos! Also the Solving Show was held.
Here is the information, more photos and one specially composed problem dedicated to all WCCC Kobe 2012 participants.
Here is the photo report of WCCC Kobe - Day 2. Today was the Open solving contest, the friendship Chess and Shogi match between the famouse French and Japanese players Maxim Vachier-Lagrave (current French Champion, 2009 World Junior Chess Champion) and Yoshiharu Habu (top Shogi player and highest rated Japanese Chess player) and lectures by Paz Einat, Peter Gvozdjak and Diyan Kostadinov.
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