The most important chess composition event is on the start!
Here is another fairy chess problem video presentation by Diyan Kostadinov. It is HS#3 problem with combination of KoBul Kings and Madrasi (Rex Incl.).
The Chess Composition Commision of Ivanovo region announces the international memorial tourney to celebrate the 120 anniversary of the birth of Marshal Mikhail Nikolayevich Tuhachevsky (born on 16.02.1893).
10 new fairy problems are here! So many new composers - welcome to Vaclav Kotesovec (Czech Republic), Shankar Ram (India), Frank Muller (Germany), Emmanuel Manolas (Greece), Karol Mlynka (Slovakia) and Luis Martin (Spain)!
Here are the original #2, #3, H# and S# problems for July 2012. Welcome to Zoran Gavrilovski (Macedonia) and Viktoras Paliulionis (Lithuania)! The fairy original problems for July 2012 will be published in Part 2.
The announcement of the 3rd Bulgarian Wine Tourney (WCCC Kobe 2012) is here! The theme is for problems with the new fairy condition "Anti Take & Make".
Here is the video presentation of my 5th Prize Olympic Tourney 2012 fairy problem.
The new Fairings issue (August 2012) is here! You can find there twelve interesting fairy problems presented by Chris Feather.
The website for chess composition celebrating its first year today (31.07.2012)! I want то thank all visitors and chess composition friends for their interest, comments, originals and support! Here I will presenting the people of our KoBulChess team and numerous statistics.
In the last issue of The Macedonan Problemist we can find three nice symbolic (letter) problems dedicated to the jubilees of Petko Petkov (70) and Aleksandar Popovski (80). Here you can see and enjoy with them.
This is the second part of KoBulChess Originals for June 2012. Here are 7 new fairy problems. Welcome to Kenneth Solja from Finland!
Here are the KoBulChess Originals for June 2012. In this part are included twomovers, threemovers, helpmates and selfmates (fairies will be published in June Part 2). Welcome to Bosko Miloseski, Vito Rallo and Ivan Paskalev!
| has a pleasure to announce Jubilee thematic tourney "Chameleon 50" 2012. The occasion for this tourney is 50 years anniversary from the first definition of Chameleon fairy piece in a completed and modern form, which was presented in the small article published in Feenschach, 1962 by IGM Petko A.Petkov.
T he Editors of Orbit announce a formal tournament for the 80th birthday of Macedonian problemist Aleksandar Popovski.
The chess composition section of the famous bulgarian chess magazine "Shahmatna misal" is now reopen! The editor of the column is IGM Petko Petkov. The first two issues for 2012 included the articles:
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