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Fairings No. 33 (September 2013)

feather(24.08.2013) Here is the new issue of Fairings by Chris Feather for September 2013 (with the distribution support by Stephen Emmerson again).

Problem 237: Abdelaziz Onkoud - Twomover

abdelaziz(23.08.2013) Very beautiful twomover by Abdelaziz Onkoud from Morocco!

Problem 236: Zoltan Labai - Threemover

zoltan(22.08.2013) A threemover with 4 model mates by Zoltan Labai from Slovakia.

Problem 235: Zivko Janevski - Helpmate

janevski(20.08.2013) One more helpmate with rich thematic content by Zivko Janevski from Macedonia.

Zivko Janevski – 60 JT 2013

macedonianproblemist(20.08.2013) The Macedonian Problemist announces a formal jubilee tourney for h#2s to mark the 60th birthday of its regular contributor Zivko Janevski (born on 4 August 1953),

Problem 234: Vidadi Zamanov & Evgeni Bourd - Helpmate

vidadizambourd(17.08.2013) A join helpmate with Grimshaw, open of line and white/ black Kings play by Vidadi Zamanov (Azerbaijan) and Evgeni Bourd - a warm welcome to Israeli composer!

Problem 233: Abdelaziz Onkoud - Helpmate

abdelaziz(17.08.2013) A helpmate with the theme of the 1st Azemmour tourney (WCCC Batumi 2013) by its judge Abdelaziz Onkoud from Morocco.

Problem 232: Zlatko Mihajloski - Helpmate

mihajloski(16.08.2013) "Pawns only" helpmate with difficult maneuvers by the white King, three promotions and model mate. Welcome to Zlatko Mihajloski from Macedonia!

Problem 231: Janos Csak - Fairy (Circe, Mirror Circe)

csak(13.08.2013) An original fairy miniature with change of conditions between the Set Play and the Solution by Janos Csak from Hungary.

Problem 230: Anatoly Stepochkin - Selfmate

anatoly stepochkin(11.08.2013) New selfmate by Anatoly Stepochkin from Russia.

Problem 218.1: Menachem Witztum - Helpmate

menachem(10.08.2013) Here is the improved version of problem n.218 by Menachem Witztum from Israel. The author is found a way to include a white dual avoidance in the thematic complex.

Problem 229: Stephan Dietrich - Fairy (KoBul Kings, Anti Take & Make)

dietrich(09.08.2013) I am happy to see two of my fairy inventions - KoBul Kings and Anti Take & Make combined together in one problem! This is probably shown for the first time! Welcome to Stephan Dietrich from Germany! On the photo is the clock of the town hall of his hometown Heilbronn.

Problem 228: Kostas Prentos - Fairy

kostas(06.08.2013) A nice fairy problem with black Zabunov theme after critical moves - a good example for the "Zabunov 85 MT" 2013. A warm welcome to the KoBulChess Originals section to Kostas Prentos from Greece (currently USA)!

Problem 227: Vidadi Zamanov - Threemover

vidadizam(04.08.2013) A nice threemover by Vidadi Zamanov from Azerbaijan.

Problem 226: Chandrasekaran - Helpmate

chandrasekaran(03.08.2013) New helpmate and new composer from India - welcome to Chandrasekaran!

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