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Problem 214: Alberto Armeni - Fairy (Andernach chess)

armeni(09.07.2013) Fairy problem with four different captures of wPd2 by Alberto Armeni by Italy. I am happy to publish his photo for the first time on this website.

Problem 213: Pierre Tritten - Fairy (Anti Circe Clone)

tritten(08.07.2013) An excellent example of the rare type of Circe family fairy conditions - the Anti Circe Clone by Pierre Tritten from France!

Problem 211: Krassimir Gandev - Fairy (Alfil, Dolphin, Dummy)

gandev(04.07.2013) Fairy problem with unusual Set play and Solution form by Krassimir Gandev from Bulgaria.

My selected compositions from WCCI 2010-2012

diyan(03.07.2013) Two days ago the judges of World Championship in Composing for Individuals 2010-2012 complete their work. The results will be available on 01.09.2013. Here you can see nine of my championship entries. Hope that you will enjoy them.

Fairings No. 32 (July 2013)

feather(02.07.2013) I am happy to present the new article of Chris Feather's Fairings with the supporting distribution by Stephen Emmerson.

Problem 210: Karol Mlynka - Fairy (Boyscout, Alfil, Andernach Grasshopper, Dragon, Leaper, Camelrider)

mlynka(01.07.2013) A fairy problem by Karol Mlynka from Slovakia where you can find and learn so many fairy pieces.

Back-Home TT 2013

cp(30.06.2013) The 5th ChessProblems.ca Thematic Tournament requires original chess compositions employing the Back-Home fairy condition, recently invented by Nicolas Dupont.

Problem 209: Kenneth Solja - Fairy (Eagle, KoKo)

solja(30.06.2013) Good effects in this new fairy original by Kenneth Solja from Finland.

Problem 208: Anatoly Stepochkin - Helpmate

anatoly stepochkin(27.06.2013) A nice Helpmate with castling, dual avoidance and pin mates by Anatoly Stepochkin from Russia.

Problem 207: Paul Raican - Fairy (Circe X, Proca Retractor)

raican(25.06.2013) Here is the first original of Proca Retractor type published in the website. It is good presentation of the new fairy condition Circe X. The author is Paul Raican from Romania.

Problem 206: Luis Martin - Fairy (Sentinelles, Magic Square)

luismartin(22.06.2013) A non standart fairy problem with Sentinelles and Magic Square by Luis Miguel Martin from Spain.

Problem 205: Anatoly Stepochkin - Fairy (KoKo, Lion)

anatoly stepochkin(20.06.2013) Fairy problem with Echo Chameleon mates by Anatoly Stepochkin from Russia.

Problem 204: Pierre Tritten - Fairy (KoBul Kings)

tritten(17.06.2013) Fairy Helpmate with KoBul Kings and Cyclic Zilahi by Pierre Tritten from France.

Problem 203: Zoran Gavrilovski - Selfmate

zorangavrilovski(13.06.2013) Selfmate with black Royal battery transformations and change of white continuations by Zoran Gavrilovski from Macedonia.

Problem 202: Nicolas Dupont - Fairy (Back-Home, Grasshopper)

dupont(10.06.2013) Helpmate with the new fairy condition Back-Home by its inventor. Welcome to Nicolas Dupont from France!

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