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WFCC - new website

wfcc(10.06.2013) The World Federation for Chess Composition have a new website.

Problem 201: Garib Huseynov - Twomover

huseynov(07.06.2013) A new twomover by Garib Huseynov from Azerbaijan.

Problem 200: Anatoly Stepochkin - Selfmate

anatoly stepochkin(05.06.2013) Selfmate in Fata Morgana style with switchback of wQ by Anatoly Stepochkin from Russia.

Problem 199: Tode Ilievski - Helpmate

todeilievski(03.06.2013) Nice Helpmate with Rundlauf, sacrifice and Ideal mate - warm welcome to Tode Ilievski from Macedonia!

Problem 198: Zivko Janevski - Helpmate

janevski(02.06.2013) An interesting Helpmate by Zivko Janevski from Macedonia.

Seetharaman - 64, Superguards Tourney 2013 Award

seetharaman(02.06.2013) Here is the Award of Seetharaman-64, Superguards Tourney 2013. 

A new fairy condition - Circe X!

diyan k(31.05.2013) I am glad to introduce you the new fairy condition Circe X! Here you can see the definition, schemes, example and the opinion of some composers.

Problem 197: Diyan Kostadinov - Fairy (Circe X)

diyan(31.05.2013) Demonstration of the new fairy condition Circe X.

3rd FIDE World Cup in Composing 2013

fide(27.05.2013) The International Chess Federation (FIDE), within the framework of its "Chess Composition" special project, is organising the 3rd FIDE World Cup in Composing for 2013 in eight sections.

Problem 196: Rodolfo Riva - Twomover

riva(25.05.2013) A twomover with change of five mates by Rodolfo Riva from Italy.

Problem 195: Zoltan Labai - Twomover

zoltanlabai(24.05.2013) A twomover with Zagoruiko and Ruchlis themes. Welcome to Zoltan Labai from Slovakia!

Problem 194: Anatoly Stepochkin - Selfmate

anatoly stepochkin(21.05.2013) Here is the first Anatoly Stepochkin's selfmate published in the website. Interesting maneuvers by the wQ and surprising mate.

Zabunov - 85MT 2013

logo(20.05.2013) The website for chess composition KoBulChess.com organizing a memorial tourney on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the famous Bulgarian chess composer of the recent past FM Vladimir Zabunov (1928-1997).

Problem 193: Leonid Makaronez - Threemover

makaronez(19.05.2013) A threemover with quiet second moves by Leonid Makaronez from Israel.

Problem 192: Vidadi Zamanov - Twomover

zamanov(18.05.2013) A twomover with good change of mates, but with rough first move in the try - whether it can be improved? Welcome to Vidadi Zamanov from Azerbaijan!

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site for chess composition

 General editor:

Diyan Kostadinov


Seetharaman Kalyan

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