(17.05.2013) Difficult and paradoxical selfmate by Steven Dowd from USA!
(17.05.2013) Here is the announcement of Julia's Fairies MARINE TT 2013 together with nine wonderful examples.
(16.05.2013) Black self-pins / unpins in Helpmate by Valery Kopyl from Ukraine.
(15.05.2013) Twomover by Garib Huseynov from Azerbaijan.
(14.05.2013) Selfmate with Echo mates (typical for the author's style) by Gennadi Koziura from Ukraine.
(13.05.2013) Help-Selfmate with fine play and en-passant mate by Nikolaj Zujev from Lithuania.
 (12.05.2013) Beautiful series H# by Valerio Agostini and Antonio Garofalo from Italy!
(10.05.2013) Very good twomover with change of mates and excellent flight-giving key after white correction by the key piece by Zivko Janevski from Macedonia.
(09.05.2013) Helpmate threemover with wQ promotions by Valery Kopyl from Ukraine.
(08.05.2013) The Zabunov theme is not so often used in fairy chess, so here I present some possible effects with it.
(07.05.2013) A fairy miniature with dynamic combination of Take&Make, KoBul Kings and Circe Cage by Themis Argirakopoulos from Greece.
(06.05.2013) Selfmate by the well known tandem from Ukraine - welcome to Valery Kopyl and Gennadi Koziura (on the photo with their Certificates: FM for composing - Koziura and IM for solving - Kopyl).
(06.05.2013) Good news for all chess composers - the new version 4.63 of the chess problem solving program Popeye was released a day ago!
(04.05.2013) A new threemover by Nikolay Dimitrov from Bulgaria.
(02.05.2013) Parry-Series Help-stalemate miniature in twin form with a nice stalemate final positions by Paul Raican from Romania.