(01.05.2013) The first original problem for May 2013 is here! Miniature with Super AUW by Anatoly Stepochkin from Russia.
(29.04.2013) The 9th European Chess Solving Championship (ECSC) was held in Vilnius, Lithuania, from Friday 26th April to Sunday 28th April, 2013. Here are the results of solving and composing tourneys, problems and solutions from the competition.
(27.04.2013) A complicated helpmate with Cyclic Zilahi by Francesco Simoni from Italy.
(26.04.2013) An interesting twomover with two castlings and change of mates. Welcome to Fedir Kapustin from Ukraine!
(24.04.2013) Typical for the author's style long selfmate by Jozef Holubec from Slovakia.
(23.04.2013) A very nice selfmate with Avanta theme in combination with bP one-two step play and white/black battery play by Rodolfo Riva from Italy which he dedicate to his compatriot Antonio Garofalo.
(21.04.2013) Selfmate with white/ black Pawns one-two step and Zilahi by Rodolfo Riva from Italy.
(20.04.2013) Echo mates after two black castlings in KoKo chess problem by Anatoly Stepochkin from Russia.
(19.04.2013) Here is another issue of Fairings (31) by Chris Feather.
(18.04.2013) An excellent Couscous Circe problem with triple cycle Zilahi by Pierre Tritten from France!
(17.04.2013) Very nice selfmate with echo play - welcome to Sven-Hendrik Lossin from Germany!
(16.04.2013) A combination of Circe (White only) and KoBul Kings by Kenneth Solja from Finland.
(15.04.2013) An excellent HS# with Avanta theme by Rodolfo Riva from Italy!
(14.04.2013) Long maneuvers and Chameleon Echo mates. Warm welcome to Ivan Skoba from Czech Republic!
(13.04.2013) A wonderful Helpmate Of The Future by Janos Csak from Hungary!