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Problem 165: Zivko Janevski - Twomover

janevski(12.04.2013) Zivko Janevski again! This time he presents us a new twomover.

Problem 160.1: Velko Alexandrov & Themis Argirakopoulos - Fairy (KoBul Kings)

velkothemis(11.04.2013) Join version of problem n.160 by Velko Alexandrov and Themis Argirakopoulos.

Problem 162.1: Zivko Janevski & Francesco Simoni - Helpmate

janevskif simoni(10.04.2013) This is version of problem n.162 which replacing it in the tourney, by Zivko Janevski and Francesco Simoni.

Problem 164: Rodolfo Riva - Helpmate

riva(09.04.2013) Helpmate in Perpetuum mobile style and Set-play by Rodolfo Riva from Italy.

Problem 163: Jaroslav Stun - Fairy (Magic Kings, Circe Parrain, Anti Andernach)

jaroslav(08.04.2013) A complicated combination of Magic Kings, Circe Parrain and Anti Andernach! Welcome to Jaroslav Stun from Slovakia!

Problem 162: Zivko Janevski - Helpmate (Replaced)

janevski(07.04.2013) Another nice Set-play Helpmate by Zivko Janevski from Macedonia.

Problem 161: Zivko Janevski - Helpmate
janevski(06.04.2013) A new interesting Helpmate in set-play form by the Macedonian Grandmaster Zivko Janevski.
Do you know?

diyan k(05.04.2013) Here you will find information about some useful options of the site that you can use.

KoBulChess Threemovers 2012 AWARD


(03.04.2013) Here is the award of KoBulChess Threemovers section 2012. I thank all participants and the judge of the first Threemovers Informal Tourney of the site.

Problem 160: Velko Alexandrov - Fairy (KoBul Kings) Replaced

velko(02.04.2013) A white minimal KoBul Kings Helpmate by Velko Alexandrov from Bulgaria.

Problem 159: Rodolfo Riva - Selfmate

riva(01.04.2013) Selfmate with black Zilahi - welcome to Rodolfo Riva from Italy!

Problem 158: Anatoly Stepochkin - Fairy (Cardinal, Maximummer)

anatoly stepochkin(31.03.2013) A fairy miniature with multi Cardinal promotions and Maximummer by Anatoly Stepochkin from Russia.

Problem 157: Nikolay Dimitrov - Threemover

dimitrov(30.03.2013) A threemover with excellent key and nice thematic tries, change of white continuation and transfer by the bulgarian maestro Nikolay Dimitrov.

Problem 156 *: Anton Bidlen - Fairy (Series H=) COOKED

bidlen(27.03.2013) New Series Help Stalemate by Anton Bidlen (Slovakia). I hope that the solvers will enjoy to test it themselves because the computer check is difficult.

Problem 155: Themis Argirakopoulos - Fairy (Circe Cage, KoBul Kings)

themis(26.03.2013) A fairy problem from Themis Argirakopoulos (Greece) with interesting combination of KoBul Kings and Circe Cage.

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