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Fairings n.29 (January 2013)

feather"Here, a little early, is the first 2013 issue of Fairings (29). I hope that you find something of interest in it." Chris Feather



FAIRINGS…                             N29: January 2013

C.J.Feather 10 Tinwell Road STAMFORD PE9 2QQ UK   [ This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ]


Back to a normal 12-problem issue this time, and some light, simple problems. We also have a welcome visit from Gyorgy (thank you!). A happy 2013 to all.

1 a) 1.Kxd1[Rh1] Bb6 2.Kxe1[Sg1] Sf3# b) 1.Kxe1[Ra1] Ba5+ 2.Kxd1[Sb1] Sa3# Witty and original battery shifts along the first rank, in extreme economy.        

2 1.Bh5 Rd1 2.Be2 Qxe4# & 1.Rb7 Ba2 2.Rb4 Qxc5# Strange black hideaways. NB: From d1 & a2 the WR & WB do not check, but they do guard d6 & e6!            

3 1.Bxe2[EHa6] c8=B 2.EHe5 EHxe2[Ba6]# & 1.Rxe2[EHe8] c8=R 2.EHb5 EHxe2[Re8]# (and not 3.EHh5?? either time). Odd reversals (Madrasi-irreversible!) and EH interferences.


4 1.Qc7 Bh4 (Qh4?) 2.Rb4 Be7# & 1.Bc7 Qh4(Bh4?) 2.Rc4 Qe7# The BB & BQ must not be able to guard their K.      

5 1.Be7 Bc6 2.Kd6 Qd5# (1... Bxb7? 2... Qd5? 3.Qa6! 2... Qc6? 3.d1Q!), 1.Bf6 Bd5+ 2.Ke5 Qe4# (1... Bxb7/Bc6? 2... Qe4? 3.Qa5! 2...Qd5? 3.e1Q!) & 1.Kf5 Be4+ 2.Kf4 Qf3# (1... Bxb7/Bc6/Bd5? 2... Qf3? 3.Qa4! 2...Qe4? 3.f1Q!) An actual BQ and 3 potential ones are all thwarted by exact white "magnet" play.    

6 1.EHf3+ EHf7+ 2.Ke7 Kf2 3.Kf6 EHf8# & 1.EHd5 EHb7 2.Kd7 Kg2 3.Kc6 EHa8# The classic Isardam "skewered" mate is perhaps more piquant with edgehogs.


7 1.Rxc3 Bf3 2.Qe2 BKf1 3.Scb3 Bxe2# & 1.Rxb5 Rd6 2.Bc6 RKc7 3.Sab3 Rxc6#  

8 a) 1...ARc7 2.g1=S ARxg1[Sc7] 3.Sb5 ARxf2[Pg1=AR] 4.ARb8 ARa7 5.Sxa7 [ARb5] ARb7# b) 1...ARg1 2.b5 ARxc7[Pg1=S] 3.Sh3 ARg1 4.Sxg1[ARh3] ARxb5 [Ph3] 5.h2 ARg2# Different blocks each time next to the BK.        

9 a) 1...Ne8 2.Lxe8-f8[Nb8] Nf6 3.Lxf6-f5[Nf8] Nc2 4.Lxc2-b1[Nf5] Nb7 5.Lxb7-b8[Nb1] Nd2# L round trip: b8-f8-f5-b1-b8. b) 1...ZRb6 2.Lxb6-b5[ZRb8] ZRd5 3.Lxd5-e5[ZRb5] ZRe7 4.Lxe7-e8[ZRe5] ZRc8 5.Lxc8-b8[ZRe8] ZRc5# L round trip: b8-b5-e5-e8-b8.


10 a)1.Kxe2-e3[SPf1] 2.Kf2 3.Kg1 4.Kxf1-f4[SPg1] 5.Kg3 6.Kxg2-g4 [SPg3] 7.Kh3 8.Kxg3-g5[SPh3] 9.Kh4 10.Kxh3-h5[SPh4] SPg4# b)1.Kxg2-g3[SPf1] 2.Kf2 3.Ke1 4.Kxf1-f3[SPe1] 5.Kxe3-e5[SPf3] 6.Kf4 7.Kxf3-f5[SPf4] 8.Kxf4-f6[SPf5] 9.Kxf5-f7[SPf6] 10.Kxf6-f8[SPf7] SPe7# First the SPs are doubled, then the front one has to be removed, clearing the other's line for the T&M+PWC-specific mates, which form a kind of chameleon echo.          

11 a) 1.Kxe6[Pe7] 3.Kxe8[BLf7] 4.Kxe7[e8=S] 6.Kxf7 [BLe6] 10.Kxe6[BLe5] 13.Kh8 Sf6# b) 1.Kf6 2.Kxe6[Pf6] 6.Kxe8[LBd8] 9.Kxd8 [LBc8] 12.Kxf6[Pf7] 13.Ke7 f8=Q# Tricky twinning, but it is a pity that the BP is needed.        

12 1.Kxc1[nPb1] 2.Kd2 3.Kc3 4.G2c5 5.Kc2 6.Kxb1[nPc2] 7.Kc1 8.Kd2 9.nPc1=nR 10.nRb1 11.Kc3 12.G2c1 13.Kc2 14.Kxb1[nRc2] nRxc1[G2c2]# There are 5 round trips in the 14 moves, by the nP=>nR: c1-b1-c2-c1-b1-c2-c1 (= 2), by the BK: b1-c1-d2-c3-c2-b1-c1-d2-c3-c2-b1 (another 2) and finally one by the G2: c2-c5-c1-c2.




Circe: Captured units (not Ks) reappear on their game-array squares, of the same colour in the case of pieces, on the file of capture in the case of pawns, and on the promotion square of the file of capture in the case of fairy pieces. If the rebirth square is occupied the capture is normal.

Madrasi: Mutually attacking black and white units of the same type (kings excluded) paralyse each other, so that they may no longer move or give check. Moves creating paralysis are legal, and the paralysis may be removed, for example by interference (in the case of line pieces), or by capture of either of the paralysed units.

Isardam: A kind of reversal of Madrasi. Any move creating a Madrasi-style paralysis is illegal. Thus a check may be countered by guarding the king using a unit of the same type as the checking piece. Also, if a piece stands between two line pieces which would otherwise paralyse each other, that piece may not move off the line; if it is a checked K which cannot escape check by moving along the line, then we have a "skewered" mate.

PWC (PlatzWechselCirce): Captured units reappear on the square just vacated by the capturing unit. Pawns appearing on their 1st rank have no moving or checking power until reactivated by being captured again; those appearing on their 8th rank are promoted instantly, at the choice of the capturing side.

Take&Make (T&M): Capturing moves consist of two steps. The capturing step ("take") must be complemented by a further step ("make": not a capture) by the capturing piece, using the movement of the captured unit, otherwise the capture is illegal. Pawns may not end up on their own first rank. Captures on the promotion rank lead to promotions only if the pawn is on the promotion rank after the "make" step. Promotions after the "make" step are normal.

Neutrality: A unit with this characteristic may be regarded as of either colour by the side whose turn it is to play. Neutral pawns promote to neutral pieces.

Edgehog EH: Moves as a Q, but must go either to or from the board edge; not both on the same move.

Grasshopper G (better: Queenhopper): Hops on Q-lines over any one unit (the hurdle) to the next square beyond.

Grasshopper-2 G2: Moves like the G but 2 squares past the hurdle.

Lion LI (=Queen-lion): a G which can move to any square beyond the hurdle. The hurdle may be at any distance from the LI.

Bishop-lion BL: A lion confined to B-lines.

Locust L (=Queen-locust): a piece which moves only to capture. It lands on the same squares as a G, but the arrival square must be empty, because the locust captures its hurdle.

Bishop-locust LB: a locust confined to B-lines.

Kangaroo KA: As G but requiring 2 (not necessarily adjacent) hurdles on the same line, and landing on the square immediately beyond the second hurdle.

R-/B-Kangaroo RK/BK: Kangaroos confined to R-/B-lines.

Archbishop AR: a bishop which may reflect (once only) at the board edge, thus for example ARb1-f7 via a2 but not via h7 & g8.

Nightrider N: a rider (=line-piece) along any straight line of S moves.

Zebra Z: a (2,3/3,2)-leaper.

Zebrarider ZR: a rider (=line-piece) along any straight line of Z moves.

SuperPawn SP: a P which (when moving or capturing) may go as far as desired along the usual lines, provided that they are clear, and may also start from its 1st rank if it finds itself there. Examples: SPa1-a8=S or SPa1xh8=B.


Computer testing in Fairings:

Problems in Fairings are tested by Popeye wherever possible.

In this issue the only exception is problem 7. This has been only partly computer-tested because (absurdly) neither Popeye nor Fairybadix knows R- or B-kangaroos, although they can both test Q-kangaroos!



+1 #1 Diyan Kostadinov 2012-12-25 03:15
Five round trips in one single solution (problem n.12)... wow!

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 General editor:

Diyan Kostadinov


Seetharaman Kalyan

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