Fairings N30: February 2013 |
FAIRINGS… N30: February 2013 C.J.Feather 10 Tinwell Road STAMFORD PE9 2QQ UK [ This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ] The checked BK in 9 seems harmless to me since no other piece can move: what do readers think? Please at least play through 12! Best wishes to all. 1 1.Kh2 Kxd2[nPc1=nR] 2.nPxc1=nQ[nRb2]+ Kxc1[nQg2]# & 1.nPb1=nS nSxd2 [nPf1=nB] 2.nSxf1[nBf2]+ Kxf2[nBa8]# In SuperCirce nAUW is easy enough: the main aim here was to show mate by the WK in answer to check. 2 a)1.Re1 Re8 2.Rb4 Kd4# b) 1.Bb2 Bg7 2.Bc4 Kd5# Many thanks to my friend Balasubramanian for the dedication of his first (and very fine) Isardam problem! 3 1.g1=S Kc1(Kc2?) 2.Sxh3[Pg8=Q] Qxg6[Bd1]# & 1.h1=S Kc2(Kc1?) 2.Sxg3[Pb8=Q] Qxe5[Rd1]# My current mood tends to simplicity. Tempo dual-avoidance by the WK. 4 1.Re4 Rd6 2.Kd4 Rc6# & 1.Qe4 Qd2+ 2.Kd3 Qe1# Isardam-specific interferences. 5 1.d5 Rb7(Ra3?) 2.Kc4 d4# & 1.e5 Rc7+(Ra5?) 2.Kd4 c4# Total dual-avoidance, and unusual batteries. 6 1...PAb7 2.VAxb7 VAf1 3.Sf3+ VAg2# & 1...VAa6 2.PAxa6 PAh7 3.Sg6+ PAh6# Oldfashioned active Zilahi with Isardam-style "skewered"-mates.
7 a)1...Nd1 2.Lxd1-c1[Ng1] Nc3 3.Lxc3-c4[Nc1] Nf7 4.Lxf7-g8[Nc4] Ne5 5.Lxg3-g2[Pg8=N] Ne7# b)1...Ne5 2.NLxe5-d7[Ng1] Nf3 3.NLxf3-g1[Nd7] Nf3 4.NLxf3-e5[Ng1] Nf3 5.NLxf3-g1[Ne5] Nd3# The starting idea here was the unusual twinning. 8 a) 1.dxc1=B[DRf8] 2.Kxf8[DRe8] 3.Kg8 4.Bf8 DRf6# b) 1.Bg7 2.0-0 3.dxc1=R [DRh8] 4.Kxh8[DRe8] DRxg7[Bg8]# c) 1.0-0-0 2.dxc1=S[DRb8] 3.Kxb8[DRe8] 4.Ka8 DRc7# d) 1.dxc1=Q[DRd8] 2.Kxd8[DRe8] 3.Kc8 4.Bd6+ DRxd6[Bd8]# A black AUW, with castling. The BK visits the whole of the 8th rank but there are no repeated moves! Some lighter settings are possible, but they have fewer Couscous effects. 9 a) 1.Kg2 2.Kxh2[Sg2] 3.Kg3 4.Kf3 5.Kxe4[SKf3] 6.Kf5 7.Kg4 8.Kh3 9.Kxg2[Sh3] 10.Kf1 SKg1# b) 1.Kf2 2.Ke3 3.Kxe4[CYe3] 4.Kf5 5.Kg5 6.Kh4 7.Kh3 8.Kxh2[Sh3] 9.Kg2 10.Kf1 CYg2# BK round trips: anticlockwise and clockwise. 10 Set: 1...BHxd5-d4[Pg8]# Sol.: 1.d4 2.Kxg8-d5[BHh8] 3.Ke5 4.Kf4 5.Ke3 6.Kxd3-c4[Be3] 7.dxe3-g1=B[Bd4] 8.Kxd4-a1[Bc4] 9.Bd4 10.Bf6 BHxf6-b2[Bh8]# Corner- to-corner echo with intricate play. 11 1.Kc2 2.Kb3 3.Ka4 4.Kb5 5.Ka6 6.Kb7 7.Kc8 8.Kxd8-c7[ARc8] 9.Kxc8-b7[ARc7] 10.Kxc7-b6[ARb7] 11.Kxb7-b5[ARb6] 12.Kxb6-b4[ARb5] 13.Kxb5-d1[ARb4] e8=AR# 12 1.Kxa4[CYa5] 5.Kxc5[CYd5] 13.Kxb1 [CYc1] 19.Ka5[CYa6] 22.Kxa6[CYa7] 25.Kxd5[CYc5] 30.Kxc1[CYd1] 36.Kxc5 [CYb5] 42.Kxd1[CYe1] 44.Kxe1[CYe2] 46.Kxe2[CYf2] 48.Kxf2[CYf3] 51.Kxf3 [CYf4] 53.Kxf4[CYe4] 55.Kxe4[CYe5] 57.Kxe5[CYd5] 62.Kxa7[CYa6] 64.Ka5 CYb6# A few readers do like this type, so the rest of you are asked to be patient!
Definitions Circe: Captured units (not Ks) reappear on their game-array squares, of the same colour in the case of pieces, on the file of capture in the case of pawns, and on the promotion square of the file of capture in the case of fairy pieces. If the rebirth square is occupied the capture is normal. SuperCirce: Captured units (not Ks) reappear on any vacant square. Pawns on their first rank are immobile. Pawns replaced on a promotion square promote immediately. Rebirth squares and promotions are at the choice of the capturer. Madrasi: Mutually attacking black and white units of the same type (kings excluded) paralyse each other, so that they may no longer move or give check. Moves creating paralysis are legal, and the paralysis may be removed, for example by interference (in the case of line pieces), or by capture of either of the paralysed units. Isardam: A kind of reversal of Madrasi. Any move creating a Madrasi-style paralysis is illegal. Thus a check may be countered by guarding the king using a unit of the same type as the checking piece. Also, if a piece stands between two line pieces which would otherwise paralyse each other, that piece may not move off the line. Couscous: As Circe, but the captured piece reappears on the Circe rebirth square of the capturing unit. Pawns reappearing on promotion squares are promoted instantly, at the choice of the capturing side. PWC (PlatzWechselCirce): Captured units reappear on the square just vacated by the capturing unit. Pawns appearing on their 1st rank have no moving or checking power until reactivated by being captured again; those appearing on their 8th rank are promoted instantly, at the choice of the capturing side. Take&Make (T&M): Capturing moves consist of two steps. The capturing step ("take") must be complemented by a further step ("make": not a capture) by the capturing piece, using the movement of the captured unit, otherwise the capture is illegal. (Example: the end of 10 above: Bh8xg7-? – no possible hop!) Pawns may not end up on their own first rank. Captures on the promotion rank lead to promotions only if the pawn is on the promotion rank after the "make" step. Promotions at the end of the "make" step are normal. Neutrality: A unit with this characteristic may be regarded as of either colour by the side whose turn it is to play. Neutral pawns promote to neutral pieces. Pao PA / Vao VA: Move as R/B respectively, but capture by hopping over a hurdle at any distance to any square beyond. Nightrider N: a rider (=line-piece) along any straight line of S moves. Grasshopper G (=Queenhopper): Hops on Q-lines over any one unit (the hurdle) to the next square beyond. Locust L (=Queen-locust): a piece which moves only to capture. It lands on the same squares as a G, but the arrival square must be empty, because the locust captures its hurdle. Nightrider-locust NL: a locust confined to N-lines. Dragon DR: a combination of S and P. From its first rank it moves only as a S. It may not promote. Skylla SK: Moves to the same squares as a S, but the arrival square must be vacant; to capture it takes a hostile piece on the intervening orthogonal square, i.e. it captures like a locust. A skylla move may be blocked by the presence of a friendly unit on an adjacent orthogonal square. The use of a R-based symbol is a reminder that the SK's first movement is orthogonal Charybdis CY: Moves to the same squares as a S, but the arrival square must be vacant; to capture it takes a hostile piece on the intervening diagonal square, i.e. it captures like a locust. A charybdis move may be blocked by the presence of a friendly unit on an adjacent diagonal square. The use of a B-based symbol is a reminder that the CY's first movement is diagonal. Bishopper BH: Hops on B-lines over any one unit (the hurdle) to the next square beyond. Archbishop AR: a bishop which may reflect (but only once per move) at the board edge, thus for example ARb1-f7 via a2 but not via h7 & g8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computer testing in Fairings: Problems in Fairings are tested by Popeye wherever possible. All the problems in this issue have been tested by Popeye. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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Seetharaman Kalyan