Yes, I was wrote article which was published in The Problemist in 2005 (or 2006) where Zabunov theme was presented in almost all genres - direct threemovers, helpmates, selfmates, fairies, proof games and studies. Only direct moremovers are missing in my database... Now I prepare part 3 of this article, which probably will be published next year (I hope in The Problemist)
Hi Mark. Actually I did composed one selfmate with black Zabunov some years ago, but there is only one variant (and one more side variant). The two variations realisation still looks impossible.
By the way - in last year I myself and especially Andrey Selivanov composed some excellent selfmates with Zabunov theme. I preparing article about the new modern realisations of Zabunov theme in Selfmates, which will be published in The Chess Composition (Shahmatnaya kompoziciya).
Hi Diyan Thanks. I need one clarification. Actually the front piece A of battery X can move to it's "rear" place of battery Y without check. You didn't show such examples, so I have to ask whether such indirect activation of the primary battery is thematic? Of course, in this case, the rear piece of the primary battery has to play some role. For example, if in your SCHEME n.2 a black king already stays on "c3"- whether the first move 1. Rc7 is thematic, if threats 2. Kd5+ (the bishop guards "b4"-square)? I think it matches the theme definition, but may be I'm wrong?
The article is published in 2006. Somebody already composed black Zabunov?
The two variations realisation still looks impossible.
By the way - in last year I myself and especially Andrey Selivanov composed some excellent selfmates with Zabunov theme. I preparing article about the new modern realisations of Zabunov theme in Selfmates, which will be published in The Chess Composition (Shahmatnaya kompoziciya).
Thanks. I need one clarification. Actually the front piece A of battery X can move to it's "rear" place of battery Y without check. You didn't show such examples, so I have to ask whether such indirect activation of the primary battery is thematic? Of course, in this case, the rear piece of the primary battery has to play some role. For example, if in your SCHEME n.2 a black king already stays on "c3"- whether the first move 1. Rc7 is thematic, if threats 2. Kd5+ (the bishop guards "b4"-square)? I think it matches the theme definition, but may be I'm wrong?
R. Riva, Gaudium 2013-14, 3.Preis.
3R4/2p1PQP1/B1R2K1B/5p2/2pPkS1p/4pbpq/1s2p1sr/b5S1 (11+14) S#10
1.Bb7?, too slow. 1.Qh5?, Bxh5!
1.Bc8! (2.Bxf5+, Qxf5#), Bg4 2.Qh5 (3.B/Qxf5+), Bf3 3.Bg5, Bg4 4.Qg6, Bf3 5.Bb7, Bg4 6.Rxc4+, c6 7.Bc8, Bf3 8.Qf7, Bg4 9.Bxf5+, Bxf5 10.d5+, Sxc4#
Thanks for this nice problem. Nice play by the B/Q in logical format!
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