FM Nikolay Beluhov |
![]() He began solving and composing chess problems at the beginning of 2005 but being a student he did not make much efforts in the field of chess composition because he took part in national and international competitions in mathematics. He resumed his studies in chess composition and began publishing at the end of 2009.
He works mainly in the field of classical retro analysis with a small number chess-mathematical, fairy and joke problems. His creative concepts have been influenced by the great retro analysts of the last century – H. August, L. Cheriani, A. Kislyak , S. Volobuev and etc. and by some contemporaries – U. Lebedev, D. Baibikov and others.
Nikolay Beluhov is the youngest Bulgarian chess composer. For a very short period he has managed to take his place among the World elite in the field of Retro analytical problems. He has published about 60 problems until now. More important awards: 2nd Place on the World Cup of FIDE 2010 (part Retroanalysis), honorary mention on the PCCC - 50 JT, 2010 (part Retroanalysis), 1st Prize (together with Andrey Frolkin) and 3rd Prize on the Thierry Le Gleuher - 50 JT, 2010
Together with his activity of composer he prepares and publishes electronic issues and translations of Russian articles and books on retroanalysis ("On the tracks of the chess pieces” by A. Kislyak and etc.). With 12.83 FIDE Album points he is titled "FIDE Master" for chess composition. |
site for chess composition
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Seetharaman Kalyan
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