The Festival, organized by the Serbian Chess Problemists Society, will take place from 11th till 13th May 2012, as announced last Summer. The main event is the Open Solving Championship of Serbia (May 12th–13th, WCSC system, Directors: Gligor & Ivan Denkovski). The list of qualifiers from Serbia is completed, while all solvers from other countries will be welcome.
The traditional Internet composing tourney (BIT 2012) will be held in two groups: A) Direct mate in two (#2), B) Helpmate in two (h#2). The themes were suggested by the judges Marjan Kovacevic and Zivko Janevski, with one month for composing: April 5th – May 5th 2012. There will be mini-lectures (May 11th-12th), and additional contents.
The Director of the BIT 2012 is Branislav Djurasevic (
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), and the contact person for the participants of BPCF 2012 is Marjan Kovacevic (
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). Those who take part in the solving tourney, and at least one composing tourney, could compete for the Overall Winner of the Festival. The points will be given according to the following scales:
Open Solving Championship: 1st Place – 17 points, 2nd 13 points, 3rd 10 points, 4th 8 points, 5th 7 points, 6th 6 points, 7th 5 points, 8th 4 points, 9th 3 points, 10th 2 points, lower places – 1 point. Composing in each group of BIT: 1st Place – 13 points, 2nd 10 points, 3rd 8 points, 4th 7 points, 5th 6 points, 6th 5 points, 7th 4 points, 8th 3 points, 9th 2 points, lower places in the award – 1 point. The highest possible number of points is 43 (17+13+13)
The announcement of BIT 2012 theme tourneys: |