New chess composition website |
I am glad to present you the personal web page of Julia Vysotska. She is very talented chess problem composer from Latvia and her site deserve our attention. As she wrote herself the main goals of the site are: - The review of the software related to chess composition; - Publishing of some interesting theoretical and cognitive materials; - Paying attention to the women’s activities in composition; - Showing and commenting of my own chess problems; - Following to the composition-related events. As a judge of 2nd Bulgarian Wine Tourney 2011 I was pleased to see her first composed chess problem. I was surprised that a beginner can create such an interesting and good fairy composition. I was pretty sure that Julia will became a very strong chess problem composer very soon.
Julia Vysotska
2nd Bulgarian Wine TT – 2011
54th WCCC Jesi
Special Prize
h#2 2 solutions (6+9)
Chameleons: Bd6, Sf2, Bb8, Qe2
I. 1.cBc7=cR cBf8=cR 2.cRxc4=cQ cRxf6=cQ#
II. 1.cQa2=cS cSh3=cB 2.cSxc3=cB cBg4=cR#
Julia Vysotska is programmer by education – in 1995 have finished Riga Technical University with MS degree in computer sciences. Starting 1999 till nowadays she working as a financial manager in a computer company. She composing since the summer of 2011 and till to the moment have composed about 35 problems – helpmates and fairies. You can visit her website on: |
site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
english : .../program-popeye.html
greek : .../popeye.html
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