Problem 420: Leonid Makaronez - Threemover |
420. Leonid Makaronez (Israel)
![]() #3 (9+9)
1.Re7! (2.Qc4+ Bd4 3.Qxd4#)
1...Sd2 2.Qe2+ Re3 3.Sc3# 1...Rd3 2.Sf6+ Sxf6 3.Qxd3#
1...Rxg4 2.Sde3! fxe3 3.Qxe5#
1...Bd4 2.Sf6+ Sxf6 3.Rxd4#
site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
The given solution distorts the truth.
1...Sa3 with dualistic mate (easy removable).
1...Rc3 2.Sxc3+ is also a variation.
1...Rxg4 2.Sd5!-e3 has 3 threats which all can be defended only by 2...Bd4/Bd5, so these moves should be noted in the solution and not the move which allows the mate from threat.
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