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Problem 441: Janos Csak - Helpmate

csak(10.09.2014) Another excellent helpmate, this time a longmover, from our Hungarian expert! A doubling of the "Many ways" theme.






441. Janos Csak (Hungary)
H#4.5       2 sol.       (3+5)
1...Bf7 2.Kg4 Bxd5 3.Kf5 Bc6 4.Ke6 Be8 5.Kd5 Bf7 # 
1...Kc6 2.Ke2 Kxd5 3.Kd3 Kc6! 4.Kc4 Kb6 5.Kd5 Bf7 #
Switchback and Rundlauf in meredith! Black and white show that there is more than one route to reach the same square! (Seetharaman)


-2 #1 Vitaly Medintsev 2014-09-10 06:51
Clever idea but there is no Rundlauf here, I think
+8 #2 Diyan Kostadinov 2014-09-10 08:59
There is Rundlauf by the wB in the first solution: Bf7-d5-c6-e8-f7
-3 #3 Vitaly Medintsev 2014-09-10 09:21
I thought the route of WB must be closed (circule, cyclic) to be the Rundlauf...
+5 #4 Seetharaman Kalyan 2014-09-10 18:02
Quoting Vitaly Medintsev:
I thought the route of WB must be closed (circule, cyclic) to be the Rundlauf...

Hm.... When the piece returns to the starting square through a different route it is rundlauf. When it retraces its route, it is switchback.
+7 #5 Diyan Kostadinov 2014-09-10 18:20
In my opinion we have a Rundlauf here -starting from f7 square
-4 #6 Vitaly Medintsev 2014-09-10 19:42
I have just read an article about Rundlauf in "The Terms of Chess Composition" (edited by Mark Basisty, Kiev, 2004).
So, the Rundlauf theme is determined as the passage of a piece on a closed route involving its return to the initial square (p.489)
+2 #7 Nikola Predrag 2014-09-10 21:38
Yes, the initial square where the Rundlauf begins is f7. If someone insists on the very first initial square, then it would be f1 for a white white-square Bishop.
0 #8 Vitaly Medintsev 2014-09-11 06:47
Yes, the initial square where the Rundlauf begins is f7.

Not g6!
This explain everithing! :-)

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