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Problem 447: Zoltan Labai - Twomover
zoltan(25.09.2014) The Slovakian master shows a difficult tripling of the Urania theme (Same white moves appearing as а first move, threat and mate in different phases).  
447. Zoltan Labai (Slovakia)
 #2                             (9+2)

Try: 1.Kc6? (2.Sbd3#)  1…Kf4!

Try: 1.Rd3? (2.Bh2#) 1…Kf4! 

Try: 1.Sc6+? 1…Kd6 x 2.Rd3# 1…Kf4!

Try: 1.Rg7? A 1…Kd6 x 2.Bh2# B 1…Kf4! 

Try: 1.Sbd3+? 1...Kd6! 

Solution 1.Bh2! B (2.Rd3#)

1…Kd6 x 2.Rg7# A 

1…Kf4 2.Sbd3#

1…Kd4 2.Sc6# 

The thematic moves are Sbd3, Rd3 and Bh2.  The repeated black refutations are the only weakness of the fine problem. One can see the Salazar theme also in this. (Seetharaman) 


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