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Problem 467: Nikola Predrag - Fairy (Lion, Rook-Locust, Bishop-Locust)
nikola(23.11.2014) Really great fairy problem by Nikola Predrag where in three solutions we can see a rich thematic complex in logical-strategic style with tries, capture preventing selfblocks of squares, sacrifices, Umnov etc. Excellent fairy play in three directions and full explanations of the thematic content by the author.





Plan A

1.Sd1/Se4/Sh3 +? Kxd3 2.~ LIxb1/LIxb7/LIxh5 + 3.S~!

-but bS is a mobile hurdle and will move away from the thematic square

Plan B

1.? Sc1/Sd5/Bh4 ? 2.(S~+?) LIxb1/LIxb7/LIxh5 + 3.Sd1/Se4/Sh3 !

W1-moves in the tries create the HURDLES for wLI, but bSf2 can't hide away because of check to wK by LBb6. Black Locusts are CAPTURED in W2-moves.

-but bS will move to the thematic square and parry the check

1.Ba1! Sc1! 2.LRxc1-d1! LIb1# (LRxb1-a1?)

1.Ra8! Sd5! 2.LBxd5-e4! LIb7# (LBxb7-a8?)

1.Bh6! Bh4! 2.LRxh4-h3! LIh5# (LRxh5-h6?)

W1-moves from the plan B are repeated in the solutions with different functions - creating hurdles to be CAPTURED by black Locusts which will then serve as the immobile HURDLES for wLI. The complete immobilization requires the anticipatory rear-line-closing on a1/a8/h6.

-reciprocal sacrifice/hurdle functions between plan-B/solutions.

Plan C, playing as in the solutions but without 1st black moves (1.~ etc.), would fail because black Locusts would have to capture wLI in the end.

-reciprocal captures between plans B/C.

In each phase, plan A has one idle w-officer, plan B has a poor w-officer (only a hurdle), and in solutions the idle piece dissapears for model mates

-"gradual improvement of constructional weaknesses "

Relation try-plans/solutions shows the structure of Umnov-paradox


Locust (L): a piece which moves only to capture. It lands on the same squares as a grasshopper, but the arrival square must be empty, because the locust captures its hurdle.

Rook-Locust (LR): a locust confined to Rook lines.

Bishop-Locust (LB): a locust confined to Bishop lines.

Lion (LI): Hops on Q-lines over any one unit (the hurdle) to any square beyond the hurdle. 



+4 #1 Rauf Aliovsadzade 2014-11-23 15:14
Dear Nikola,
This is quite an achievement!
Very nice and complicated! Congrats!
By the way,have the results of 'PZR&Feniks' 2008-09 been out?
Is this publication still around?
+1 #2 Nikola Predrag 2014-11-23 21:47
Dear Rauf, many thanks!

I don't know about PZR&Feniks for sure but I think it's still around.
Also, I would expect that 2008-09 was completed. However, I can't tell exactly, having no copies of the older issues at hand at the moment.
I've sent a message to Dejan.
+2 #3 Rauf Aliovsadzade 2014-11-24 17:35
Dear Nikola,
While ago,I have already sent Dejan the very same question but got no certain answer.
As a participant of the above-mentioned years' tourney I have the right to know what's going on,don't I?
0 #4 Nikola Predrag 2014-11-24 18:54
Dear Rauf, you certainly have every right to know that, but I simply don't know the answer.
I still haven't receive any answer from Dejan.

I can tell you only that I was the judge for helpmates 2010-11 and that award was published some 2 years ago.
If I get some information, I'll let you know.
+2 #5 Kjell Widlert 2014-11-24 20:31
Unusually interesting play on the three thematic lines: of course a bS doesn't work as a hurdle; very neatly, a white hurdle doesn't work because of the same bS; finally, those white pieces return as fodder for black locusts to reach the right places as hurdles where the bS cannot interfere - and then with perfect locust-motivated first moves!
All this in a construction that leads to model mates.
Impressive indeed.
+1 #6 S. K. Balasubramania 2014-11-26 17:20
A very fine problem with double self blocks on each of the three thematic lines.

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