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Problem 553: Vasyl Dyachuk - Twomover
vasyl.dyachuk(14.03.2015) Welcome to the Ukraine Grandmaster Vasyl Dyachuk! In his beautiful twomover, it is obvious that Rc3 has to move, but where?
553. Vasyl Dyachuk (Ukraine)
#2 vvv                    (10+7)
1.Rc5? (2.Qxe5#) 1...Sdc3 (a) 2.Rxe5# (A) 1...Sec3! (b)
1.Re3? (2.Qxe5#) 1...Sec3 (b) 2. Rxe5# (A) 1...Sdc3! (a)
1.Rf3? (2.Qxe5#) 1...Sdc3 (a) 2. fxe5# 1...Sec3 (b) 2.Sg3# 1...Qa1! (c)
1.Rcc7! (2.Qxe5#)
1...Sdc3 (a) 2. Sxe4# 1...Sec3 (b) 2. Sxd5#
1...Qa1 (c) 2. Bxe4# 1... Qxh3+ 2.Bxh3#
Arnhem theme (refutations = defences), change of mates, transference of mate. (Author)
Additional try 1.Rg3? Sec3 2.Rg5#  1...Sdc3!  (Seetharaman)
Wonderful twomover with rich thematic content! I am also happy to say welcome to Vasyl! (D. Kostadinov)

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