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Problem 563: Kalyan Seetharaman - Fairy (RookLion, BishopLion, Nao, Mao)
seetharaman.kalyan(29.03.2015) Seetharaman improves his prize winner in the 85-Zabunov Memorial Tourney by adding a matching third solution.
563. Kalyan Seetharaman (India)
HS#2.5      3 sol.      (3+9)
f1, h2: Rook Lion
a6: Bishop Lion
b3: Nao,   g3: Mao
1...Rb2 2.RLb1+ NAf1 3.Qd2+ Rxb1#
1...Rc2 2.RLc1+ BLf1 3.Qe2+ Rxc1#
1...Rd2 2.RLd1+ MAf1 3.Qf2+ Rxd1#
Zabunov theme tripled in Meredith. Reciprocal transformations of battery. Incarceration of black pieces by queen. Triple avoidance on black move to f1!  (Author)
Rook-lion (RL): a rookhopper which can move toanysquare beyond the hurdle.
Bishop-lion (BL): a bishophopper which can move toanysquare beyond the hurdle.
Nao (NA): Moves like a Nightrider, but only captures by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond the hurdle on the same line.
Mao (MA): Moves as a knight, but the orthogonal square intervening between its points of departure and arrival must be vacant (e.g. MAa1-c2 requires b1 to be vacant).
Nightrider (N): a rider along any straight line of S moves.


0 #1 Seetharaman Kalyan 2015-03-29 05:07
Here is my previous version in a diagram for easy comparison. As can be seen, the variation 3.Qd2 was crying to be added. Lucky that I could succeed.

+1 #2 Kjell Widlert 2015-03-29 20:31
The economy is worse now, with three families of fairy pieces (Mao added) and two thematic black pieces passive in each solution - but you are right, the problem was crying out for the third solution, so this must be an improvement.
0 #3 Seetharaman Kalyan 2015-03-30 03:37
Quoting Kjell Widlert:
The economy is worse now, with three families of fairy pieces (Mao added) and two thematic black pieces passive in each solution - but you are right, the problem was crying out for the third solution, so this must be an improvement.

Thanks Kjell for your apt comment! Two thematic fairy pieces are indeed passive in each solution. Perhaps we should call it passive triple avoidance!

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