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Problem 578: Kjell Widlert - Fairy (Circe)
kjell.widlert(14.05.2015) Consecutive Albino with a single wP in Circe is usually done in fairy Helpmates. Here you can see a realisation in fairy direct Moremover. Welcome to Kjell Widlert! This is his first original for our Informal tourneys.
1.exf3(Sg8)? Sxf6!
   1.e4! (2.Bb5#)
1…fxe4(Pe2) 2.exf3(Sg8) [3.Rxd4(Pd7)#]
2…Sxf6 3.fxe4(Pe7) (4.Bb5#) 3…Sxe4(Pe2)
4.e3 [5.Rxd4(Pd7)#] 4…dxe3(Pe2) 5.exd3(Pd7)#
3…Sa3 4.Bb5+ Sxb5(Bf1) 5.Bxd3(Pd7)#
Consecutive Albino in Circe. Eeltje Visserman showed the theme in 1973, but with four different white pawns. Here I use a single pawn for the thematical moves – so the P has to capture its way back to the e file after the capture on f3. (Author)
The Visserman problem:
Kc8 Qf2 Sb2 Pe2 e5 e6 e7 – Kd2 Qh7 Rc1 Bh8 Sd3 f8 Pc2 c3 f3 g2 g6 h2 - #4 Circe
1.exf3(Pf7)+ fxe6(Pe2) 2.e4+ Qxe7(Pe2) 3.exd3(Sg8)+ Bxe5(Pe2) 4.e3#
2...Bxe5(Pe2) 3.e3+ Qxe7(Pe2) 4.exd3(Sg8)#
2...Sxe5(Pe2) 3.Sc4+ Kd1 4.Qe1#
1…Bxe5(Pe2) 2.e4+ fxe6(Pe2) 3.e3+ Qxe7(Pe2) 4.exd3(Sg8)#
Circe: Captured units (not Ks) reappear on their game-array squares, of the same colour (pieces), on the file of capture (pawns), or on the capture file’s promotion square (fairy pieces). If the rebirth square is occupied the capture is normal. 


+4 #1 Toshiji Kawagoe 2015-05-14 23:25
What a wonderful achievement! Circe condition is fully utilizing to represent Consecutive Albino by only one pawn. Amazing! But if non-Albino move(3.fxe4) is removed, it would be more perfect model of this task!
Anyway, thank you very much for sharing this with us. A memorable example!
+1 #2 Seetharaman Kalyan 2015-05-15 08:04
Very nice achievement to show the theme with the same white pawn! Quoting Toshiji Kawagoe:
What a wonderful achievement! Circe condition is fully utilizing to represent Consecutive Albino by only one pawn. Amazing! But if non-Albino move(3.fxe4) is removed, it would be more perfect model of this task!
Anyway, thank you very much for sharing this with us. A memorable example!

Dear Toshiji, it will be impossible to bring the pawn to its original square without non-Albino moves.
+1 #3 Kjell Widlert 2015-05-15 08:33
Thank you for the kind words, Toshiji! I was happy to find this position after unsuccessfully trying the theme for quite a long time.
+1 #4 Toshiji Kawagoe 2015-05-15 22:27
Quoting Seetharaman Kalyan:
Dear Toshiji, it will be impossible to bring the pawn to its original square without non-Albino moves.

Dear Seetharaman,

Thank you for your remark! Yes, I agree with you. Probably #4 version without non-Albino move is impossible ideal...
0 #5 Seetharaman Kalyan 2015-05-16 04:34
Quoting Toshiji Kawagoe:
Probably #4 version without non-Albino move is impossible ideal...

It might be possible perhaps using 'Diagram Circe'. But then, that is a different scene!.

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