Problem 932 to 934: R.Phanibhushan - Helpmate |
![]() 932. R.Phanibhushan (India)
![]() 1.Sd5 Se1 2.Sc4 Bc2 #
1.Sd1 B34 2.Sa4 Sd2 #
933. R.Phanibhushan (India)
![]() H#2 2 Sol. (5+8)
1.Bb1 Bc3 2.Rd6 Rb5#
1.Rd4 Rb1 2.Bd5 Bb4#
In both problems above black unpins white & and the unpinned unpins! Also exchange of functions (Author)
934. R.Phanibhushan (India)
![]() H#2 b) Kb5-g2 (5+6)
a) 1.Qa4 Ra8 2.a5!(a6?) Rb8#
b) 1.Bf1! (1.Be2? Rh8 2.?? Rg8#) Rh8 2.Qe2! Rg8#
Two Bristols in each solution. Reciprocal Bristol by white! (Author)
site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
933 compate to P0532108 -
Thanks Vitaly. Pity both are anticipated. Hope at least the fine 934 will escape.
May be so. But distant displacement of BK in twin reduces the value of this problem, in my view
True. But in this setting it seems unavoidable. We will be publishing another problem showing the doubling, but no reciprocal bristol.
Roman ZALOKOTSKY, Chorno-bili stezhini, 2009
h#2 (3+4)
a) move b1 d2
b) move c6 g2
Lucky that none of them is an anticipation.
While his task is not unique, It is nice to know that this newcomer Phanibhushan is in esteemed company !
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