Problem 949: K. Seetharaman & S. Manikumar - Helpmate |
(26.12.2018) Insipired and challenged by 934 here is our attempt at doubling of the black and white Bristols without twinning. However, we could not manage a reciprocal Bristol which is probably more difficult to add.
949. K. Seetharaman & S. Manikumar
H#3 2 Sol (6+8)
1.Kd4 d3 2.Kc3 Rd2 3.Bd4 Rac2#
1.Kf5 d4 2.Kg5 Rh2 3.Rf5 Rag2# Black and White Bristols in both solutions. WP 1-2 & line closing. (Authors)
site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan