Problem 203: Zoran Gavrilovski - Selfmate |
(13.06.2013) Selfmate with black Royal battery transformations and change of white continuations by Zoran Gavrilovski from Macedonia.
1.Bxa5? (2.Rd4+ Kxd4+ 3.Qc5+ Qxc5#) 1...Bf5 2.Rb4+ [Sb4+?] Kd6 3.Rxd3+ Bxd3# 1...Sf5 2.Sb4+ [Rb4+?] Kd6 3.Rxd3+ Sd4# 1...Rc1! 1.Bd2! (2.Rd4+ Kxd4+ 3.Qc5+ Qxc5#) 1...Bf5 2.Rc7+ [Rc6+?] Kd4 3.Rd7+ Bxd7# 1...Sf5 2.Rc6+ [Rc7+?] Kd4 3.Qd6+ Sxd6#
Two changed continuations following black battery transformation with dual avoidance. (Author) |
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