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Problem 228: Kostas Prentos - Fairy

kostas(06.08.2013) A nice fairy problem with black Zabunov theme after critical moves - a good example for the "Zabunov 85 MT" 2013. A warm welcome to the KoBulChess Originals section to Kostas Prentos from Greece (currently USA)!


a) 1...Rb8 2.Kc1 Bb7 3.Kb1 Bd5+ 4.Ka2 c6 5.Bd6+ Sxd6#

b) 1...Ba8 2.Ke2 Rb7 3.Kf3 Rb4+ 4.Kg4 Bd5 5.Be3+ Sxe3#

Reciprocal battery creation with critical play allows the white King to pass through,

Indian, Zabunov, Anderssen. (Author) 


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