Problem 248: Leonid Makaronez - Threemover |
(16.09.2013) Two white batteries play, four Q-mates and black selfblocks in this threemover by Leonid Makaronez from Istrael. 1…e5 2.Rb7+ Kd6 3.c8S# 1.d6! (2.Ra6+ Kb5 3.Qe2#) 1…Bxc7 2.Rxe4+ Kxd6 3.Qd4# 1…Sd7 2.Rbxb4+ Kxc6 3.Qxe4# 1…Qxc6 2.Rbxb4+ Qb6 3.Qxc3# 1…Qh5 2.Rb7+ Kxc6 3.cxd8S# |
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