Problem 268: Diyan Kostadinov - Fairy (Anti Circe Clone) |
(29.10.2013) This is my first problem with the interesting but not so often used fairy condition "Anti Circe Clone". It is beautiful type of Circe in my opinion and deserve a further exploration! a) 1.Be8! Re1+ 2.Kxe1=rR(rRh8) Qg7# b) 1.Bb7! Bd3+ 2.Kxd3=rB(rBc8) Qe8# c) 1.Bd7! Sd2 2.Kxd2=rS(rSb8) Qb6#
Distant selfblocks, active sacrifices, model mates, white aristocrat, good twins form, each one of the four pieces (on b1,g6,c6,e2) moves on different squares in all solutions.
Anti Circe Clone: A capturing unit changes into a piece of the same kind as the captured unit (without changing colour) and is then reborn on the game array square of the new piece. If the rebirth square is occupied, the capture is not allowed. |
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Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
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