Problem 279.1: Diyan Kostadinov & Nikola Predrag - Fairy (KoBul Kings) |
Update: After publication of the problem was found that it can be improved. Here you can see the version 279.1. which replace the initial problem for the tourney.
a) bl. 1.Se8! & 1.Sxe8(bK=rS) 2.Ka7+ Qxe8(wK=rS)= b) bl. 1.Sb7! & 1.Sd5 2.Kxb7(bK=rS)+ Rxd5(wK=rS)= Active white and black sacrifices, miniature, non standart stipulation, nice twin form. (Author)
KoBul Kings - When a piece (not a pawn) of his own side is captured, a King transforms into a Royal piece of the same type as the captured one. When the King is in the form of any Royal piece and there is a capture of one of the pawns of his own side, he becomes a normal King again. |
site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
But Kjell is right that it can be done with two promotions (with stipulation HS=2.5), unfortunatelly with dual in 1...d1R solution.
So there are two possibilities: to make the problem with not so usual stipulation B1&Ser-S=2 to keep nice black Knight moves (with good twin - exchange two type pieces), or to make it with more usual condition HS=2 with twin moves bS and to have two promotions.
Here is the version:
So it is the matter of taste which is better - nice moves by the bS in the original or two promotions in the version.
What the is your opinion?
Another drawback is that after B1, it works also as a ser-h=2 with reversed colors. I would surely prefere something like:
W:Kc8,Sc4; B:Ka8,Sc3,Pd2
hs=3,Kobul,2 sol.
Probably I was not worked enough on the problem before the publication to miss such a clever improvement...
About your question for the stipulation - in such kind stipulations where one side make 1 or more moves before the main stipulation it is understandable that these first moves are "help" because after them the main condition should be prepared.
How would such a stipulation, B1&Ser-S=2, be recognized by Popeye?
"B1/Series#5" is meaningless to Popeye.
Protocol h1
White Pa2 Kf1
Black Pc3 Ba1 Kh1
Stipulation 1->SER-#6
Option NoBoard NoThreat Variation
Popeye Windows-32Bit v4.63 (1431 MB)
1.Ba1-b2 1.a2-a4 2.a4-a5 3.a5-a6 4.a6-a7 5.a7-a8=R 6.Ra8-h8#
1.Kh1-h2 1.a2-a4 2.a4-a5 3.a5-a6 4.a6-a7 5.a7-a8=Q 6.Qa8-g2#
solution finished.Time = 0.031 s
As can be seen, black has a third choice of first move 1.c2 after which white cannot mate in 6 moves.
HZg74 help-targetsquare-g7 in 4 moves
S+2 self-check in 2 moves
SER-+7 series-check in 7 moves
SEMI-R+4 semi-reflex-check in 4 moves
x3 Capture in 3 moves
SER-%4 series-Win_a_Piece in 4 moves
H##!4 help-"gegenmatt" in 4 moves
SER-H##3 series-help-"beidmatt" in 3 moves
2->ser-h#4 White makes 2 moves, then ser-h#4
h003 help-castling in 3 moves
ser-ct10 Series-direct circuit (switchback) in 10 moves (of W piece)
h3 help exchange place in 3 moves (Bl helps W swap 2 pieces from diagram)
h~1 any helpmove
pser-h#6 Parry series helpmate in 6
phser-s#6 Parry series selfmate in 6 (parry moves are help moves)
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