Problem 288: S. K. Balasubramanian & Diyan Kostadinov - Fairy (Anti Circe Clone) |
(13.12.2013) Anti Circe Clone is very popular in recent months. Here are presented interesting pins by the white King and exchange of functions between two pairs pieces.
1.Re1 Sxf2(S=B-c1) 2.Kxd2(K=rP-d7) Ba3= [3.R~??] 1.Be1 Sxb1(S=R-h1) 2.Kxe3(K=rP-e7) Rh6= [3.B~??] Exchange of functions between bR/bB and wS/wS, pins of bR/bB (pinned by the wK) (Authors) Anti Circe Clone:A capturing piece (including King) takes the nature of the captured piece and then goes to its Circe rebirth square. The checking/mating piece do not take the nature of the King and its returning square is according its own nature. |
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General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan