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Mario Garcia - 65 JT 2013

uapa(10.02.2013) The Union Problemistas’s Argentina of Chess announces a composing tournament to commemorate 65th Mario Guido Garcia’s Birthday.





Mario Garcia

Prizes: Books, honourable mentions and commendations will be awarded.

The preliminary award of tourney will be sent to participants by e-mail and will be published on the website of Union Argentina de Problemistas de Ajedrez (UAPA) www.problemistasajedrez.com.ar.

The tourney is in following sections:

Part A: PROBLEMS - Free theme. Maximum three entries per composer.

2# – Judge Jose Coello Alonso (Spain)

3# – Judge Alberto R. Rodriguez (Argentina)

n# – Judge Mykola Chernyavskyj (Ukraine)

Helpmates – Judge Christer Jonson (Sweden)

Selfmates – Judge Frank Richter (Germany) - Indicate the program used in the verification 

Closing date: 31.07.2013

Send to the tourney director and judge associate in mates direct (1):  ”Mario Guido Garcia” - This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

(1) Qualification of the problems from 1 to 4 points, elaborate for three experts’ in the resolution. The report is not binding, on the judges.

Part B – STUDIES – Theme free. Sections:

a) Win

b) Draw

Judge: Mario G. Garcia (Argentina).

Maximum three entries per composer for each section.

Send to the tourney director Harold van der Heijden - This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Closing date: 22.06.2013


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Diyan Kostadinov


Seetharaman Kalyan

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