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Award of 30th TT Chess Composition Microweb 2012


The award of 30th TT CCM was just published. Theme of the tourney was: fairy twomovers (#2 with at least one fairy element present) showing multiple threat in at least one try or solution.

1) p gvozdjak  2) sven trommler 3) franz pachl 4) juraj lorinc 5) juraj brabec

1) Peter Gvozdjak 2)Sven Trommler  3) Franz Pachl 4) Juraj Lorinc 5) Juraj Brabec (the judge)

(photos: http://goja.sk)



1) 1...BLd5 a 2.Bd7# A, 1...NLae6 b 2.LId8# B, 1...NLf2 c 2.LIxc5# C
    1.Sd4~? (2.Bd7# A, 2.LId8# B, 2.LIxc5# C)
1...BLd5 a 2.LId8# B
1...NLe6 b 2.LIxc5# C
1...NLf2 c 2.Bd7# A
    1.Sf5! (2.Sd6#)
1...BLd5 a 2.LIxc5# C
1...NLe6 b 2.Bd7# A
1...NLf2 c 2.LId8# B


2) 1.NAc4? [2.Qxh6(Qd1;h7)# A, 2.LExh3(LEh8;Ra8)# B]
1...bxc4(c7;NAc8) a 2.Qxg6(Qd1;g7)# C
1...Rh4 2.LExh4(LEh8)#
1...Bd4+ 2.Qxd4(Qd1;Bf8)#
   1.LEc4? [2.Qxg6(Qd1;g7)# C, 2.Qxh6(Qd1;h7)# A]
1...bxc4(c7;LEc8) a 2.LExh3(LEh8;Ra8)# B
1...Bd4+ 2.Qxd4(Qd1;Bf8)#
1...g5 2.Qxg5(Qd1;g7)#
   1.RAc4! [2.LExh3(LEh8;Ra8)# B, 2.Qxg6(Qd1;g7)# C]
1...bxc4(c7;RAc8) a 2.Qxh6(Qd1;h7)# A
1...Rh4 2.LExh4(LEh8)#
1...Bd4+ 2.Qxd4(Qd1;Bf8)#
1...LEg8 2.Qxg8(Qd1)#


You can find the full award on the following link:




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