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Video presentation of fairy problem by Diyan Kostadinov

dkvideo  Here is the video presentation of my 5th Prize Olympic Tourney 2012 fairy problem.






a) 1...a1Q! 2.a8B!! Q:a8(wK=rB) 3.rBf4 c1B! 4.b:a8R(bK=rQ)+! rQ:a8(wrB=rR)#

b) 1…a1R! 2.a8S!! R:a8(wK=rS) 3.rSb3 c1S! 4.b:a8Q(bK=rR)+! rR:a8(wrS=rQ)#

   White and black AUW, total of 6 captures and 8 different pieces on a8, corner to corner play, specific KoBul Kings and Madrasi strategy, pawns only position.






+5 #1 Manolas Emmanuel 2012-08-13 14:54
Nice problem and better presentation!
Good work, mr Kostadinov!
+3 #2 dkostadinov 2012-08-13 15:04
Thank you Emmanuel!
+5 #3 paul 2012-08-13 15:48
This wonderful problem demonstrates the viability of Kobul Kings genre and the visible progress of Diyan in the field of Fairy composition. Thank you for this video.
+5 #4 seetharaman 2012-08-13 19:14
Congrats on the award. It is a very good problem. The video presentation was good too, despite the accent :)
+4 #5 dkostadinov 2012-08-13 21:51
Many thanks to all, and...yes, I have to practice my english and next video will be better ;)
+5 #6 shankar ram 2012-08-15 04:14
Really cool! You are really pushing the envelope for presentation and popularisation of chess problems into totally new frontiers, by using technologies like these!
More power to your camera! And... i think your english pronunciation is quite good. And... you should retain your accent too... it gives a distinctive touch!
+5 #7 Kenneth Solja 2012-08-15 08:56
Great problem Diyan! Thank you for presentation..

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 General editor:

Diyan Kostadinov


Seetharaman Kalyan

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