New version (3.16) of the solving program WinChloe |
After series of modifications and updates the new version (3.16) of the solving program for chess composition WinChloe is available. The program supports fairy pieces, conditions and has a big database (with more than 400 thousands problems). The price of WinChloe is 200 Euro and it can be purchased from its author Christian Poisson (his email can be found in section "links" > "composers" of the site). Here is the list with the updates of the program since beginning of 2012: 3.16 (apr. 12) A bug is fixed: in a selfmate, a try refuted by a checking move was not always displayed. ------------------ 3.15 (avr. 12) A bug concerning series-help problems is fixed. ------------------ 3.14 (mar. 12) New improvement for solving orthodox selfmates. " e.p." was not displayed when it was the last move of a selfmate : it's repaired. New conditions programmed: Les Blancs ne doivent pas permettre que les Noirs capturent ------------------ 3.13 (mar. 12) New improvement for solving orthodox moremovers. A bug concerning h‡n.5 with twins is fixed. ------------------ 3.12 (mar. 12) White checks were not displayed in selfmate in 1 (or in threats in 1) : it's repaired. ------------------ 3.11 (feb. 12) To prevent WinChloe freezes, displaying information in intelligent mode is now performed only every half second. ------------------ 3.10 (feb. 12) Correction of a display problem in the number of solutions in multithread mode, and of duplicate solutions in intelligent mode. Taking into account the maximum number of solutions for helpmates in multithread mode, but because the independence of threads, this number can sometimes be exceeded before solving is stopped. New information display in multithread mode. New conditions programmed: Une Dame blanche ne peut pas jouer plus d'une fois ------------------ 3.09 (feb. 12) The main novelty of this version is the rewriting of the procedures for solving direct and self orthodox problems (‡, = or ==), much faster than previously. For direct, self, help (‡, = or ==) orthodox, it is now possible to use multiple threads (as much as the number of cores of the processor). On 64-bit systems, an external engine even faster also allows use of 4 GB of memory per thread (for example, with a quad-core 64-bit, WinChloe can use up to 4 Ч 4 = 16 GB). The intelligent mode is also available for series direct and series help (‡, = or ==). For help problems, it is compatible with the multithreaded mode. Correction of a bug in Circй parrain with castles. New conditions programmed: Un Cavalier blanc ne peut pas jouer plus d'une fois Les Blancs ne doivent pas permettre que les Noirs jouent une Tour Les Blancs ne doivent pas permettre que les Noirs jouent un Cavalier Les Blancs doivent obligatoirement jouer un Cavalier Echecs doubles blancs obligatoires Take & Make Take & Make - Pions autorisйs sur leur 1° rangйe Anti Take & Make Anti Take & Make non strict Non-U Les Rois ne doivent pas s'observer |
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