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8th ECSC starts today

kyievThe 8th European Chess Solving Championship starts today. About 100 participants are expected to join the event in Kyiv (Ukraine).


The schedule of the Championship is as follow:


-April 20, 17:00 - Open (M.Marandiuk)

-April 21, 10:00 - Official Opening Ceremony

-April 21, 10:30 - ECSC - 1st day (P.Kamenik)

-April 21, 14:30 - City tour (Free time)

-April 21, 18:45 - Solving Show - Studies competition (G.Evseev, S. Tkachenko)

-April 22, 9:00 - ECSC - 2nd day (P.Kamenik)

-April 22, 14:00 - Closing Ceremony

The ECSC will be directed by P.Kamenik

The official website is: http://8ecsc2012.com

Good luck to all participants!

Photos of Kyiv:

kyiev1  kyiev2



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