Problem 522: Dragan Stojnic & Branislav Djurasevic - Helpmate |
![]() ![]() ![]() 1.Sed2 Kg5 2.Sf3+ Kf5 3.Sd4+ Ke5 4.Sc6+ Kxd5 5.Sb4+ Kxc5 6.Ra6 axb4#
One black piece (in this case a knight), during the play, creates four active batteries as a front piece. All checks from the new forming batteries are double checks - four times consecutively! Additionally, rear pieces in all forming batteries are different!
Previous example with four double checks is by Chister Jonsson and Anders Lundstrom, Springaren 1991, h#5, white: Kc8,pg2 (2), Black: Kh4, Qa7, Rb6, Rc5, Bc3, Bc6, pb5, e6, f5, h5. (10); solution: 1.Bc6-b7+ Kc8-d7 2.Bb7-c6+ Kd7xe6 3.Bc6-d5+ Ke6xf5 4.Bd5-e6+ Kf5-f4 5.Be6-h3 g2-g3#. Here, only three different rear pieces exist in these battery systems (Rc6 plays two times as rear piece).
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General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
Compare to the following h#6:
He is quite the resource!
Long time ago I was trying to implement the similar idea but my work (see below) had gotten no distinction since been anticipated by Abdurahmanovic&Rehm masterpiece
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