Problem 571: Aleksander Sygurov - Threemover |
(17.04.2015) The Russian expert presents Pickaninny versus white Queen star. A difficult task probably shown for the first time!
571.Aleksander Sygurov (Russia)
#3 vvv (13+10)
1.Sb4! (2.exd7#)
1...dxe6 2.Qxe4+ Kxe4 3.Rxe6#
1... dxc6 2.Qxc2 (3.Qxe4#), 2...Rxf7+ 3.exf7#, 2... Sc5/d2 3.Q(x)c5#
1...d6 2.Qc4 (3.Qd5#), 2...Rxf7+ 3.exf7#, 2...Bxc6 3.Sxc6#
1...d5 2.Qe2 (3. Sd3, Qh5#), 2...Rxf7+ 3.exf7#, 2...e3 3.Qxe3#
1.Qxc2? (2.Qxe4#), 1...d5 2.Qxf2 Rxf7+ 3.exf7#, 1...Kd5!
1.Qc4? (2.exd7#), 1...d6 2.Sc4 ~ 3.Qd5#, 1...dxc6 2.Bxd4+ Sxc4 3.Qc5#, 1...d5!
1.Qe2? 1...Kd5!
Pickaninny & WQ star. First task in #3 (Author)
White queen plays to e4,c2,c4&e2. (the star). The difficult task probably justifies the poor key and short threat. (Seetharaman)
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