Originals - May 2012 (Part 1) |
KoBulChess Originals – May 2012 (Part 1)
Judges for 2012: #2 - GM Milan Velimirovic IJ, #3 - FM Evgeny Fomichev IJ, S# - GM Petko Petkov IJ, H# - IM Zoran Gavrilovski IJ, Fairies - IM Manfred Rittirsch IJ Editor: Diyan Kostadinov IJ (email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )
TWOMOVERS 1) 1. Qg8! (2.Qf7#) 1...Kf5 2.Qg6# A / Qg5# B, 1...Rc7 2.Qg5# B / Sg4# C, 1...Qh7 2.Sg4# C, S:h7# D, 1...Q:e6 2.Sh7# D / Qg6# A (First cycle double mates) 1...Qg6 2.Q:g6# A / Sd7# E, 1...Q:f4 2.Sd7# E / Sg4# C, 1...Qb7 2.Sg4# C / Qg6# A (Second cycle double mates) Very interesting twomover with two systems double mates (Diyan Kostadinov).
2) set: 1…e:f5 2.Rd6#, 1…e5 2.Rd6#, 1…Sf3 2.B:f3# 1.Rg8? (2.Rd8#), 1…e:f5 2.Bf7#, 1…Sc4 2.Bf3#, 1…Bh2 2.S:e3#, 1…Se4! 1.Rg4? (2.Rd4#), 1…e5 2.Bf7#, 1…e:f5 2. Bf7#, 1…Sf4 2.S:f4#, 1…Se4 2.d:e4#, 1…Sb3 2.c4#, 1…Sf3! 1.R:e6! (2.Rd6#), 1…Sc4 2.Bf3#, 1…Se4 2.d:e4#, 1…Bh2 2.S:e3# White Rook Option and some change of mates (Diyan Kostadinov).
3) 1.Sb3!? (2.S:d2#), 1…K:d3 2.Sc5#, 1…d5! 1.Se2!? [2.S:g3# (Sc3?)], 1…Kf3 a 2.Sc3# A (S:g3?), 1…Rh3! 1.Sb5!! [2.S:d6# (Sc3?)], 1…Kd5 c 2.Sc3# A (S:d6?), 1…K:f5 2.Qg6#, 1…Qf8 d 2.Q:e6# B 1.S:e6? [2.Sg5# (Sc5?)], 1…Q:e6 b 2.Q:e6# B, 1…d5! Creation of three white direct/indirect batteries after flight giving keys, Option, Anderssen, black King Star, dual avoidance, mate transfers. After check for some anticipations I found the problem presented in the Appendix. It is with very close scheme, but I think that both problems have an different ideas and thematic complex (in mine all thematic phases are fully connected with occur of battery mates instead of Queen mates in Burgers twomover). What the readers think? Or if you know for another similar twomover please inform me! (Author)
4) 1…R:e6 x 2.Qd5#, 1…Rd5 2.Q:d5#, 1…Se3 2.S:f2# A 1.Qf6?(2.Q:e5#), 1...R:e6 x 2.Q:f5#, 1…K:d4 2.Q:e5#, 1…Rd5! 1.S:c4? (2.Sf2# A), 1…Be3 2.Sc3#, 1…Be1! 1.Sd7?(2.Sf6#), 1…K:d4 2.S:c5# (2.Sf6?), 1…R:e6 x 2.S:c5#, 1…Rd5! 1.Sd5! [2.Sf6# (S:f2? A)], 1…K:d4 2.S5c3# (Sf6?), 1…R:e6 x 2.S:f2# A, 1…R:d5 2.Q:d5# Zagoruiko after R:e6 and K:d4, Option, transfer of mates, Schiffmann, Anderssen (Diyan Kostadinov)
5) 1.Sgf5? (2.Se~#), 1...R:f5 a 2. Se:f5# A, 1…B:b7 b 2.Sd5# B, 1... R:e7! 1.Sef5? (2.Sg~#), 1...R:f5 a 2. Sg:f5# C, 1…B:b7 b 2.Se4# D, 1...Rg7! 1.S:c4! (2.Se5#), 1...Q:c4 c 2.Sgf5# C, 1…R:e7 d 2.Se4# D, 1... K:c4/Rf5 2.Q:b5/S:f5# Good change of mates and transfer of mates combined with white half-battery play and flight giving key (Diyan Kostadinov).
6) 1.Bb5? (2.Be2#), 1…Qa3 2.Be2+ Qf3 3.B:f3#, 1…Qa6! 1.Qb8! (2.R:g5+ K:g5 3.Qe5#, 2…h:g5 3.Qh2#), 1…Q:b8 2.Bb5 ~ 3.Be2# 1…Qa3 2.Q:e8 ~ 3.Q:g6#, 1…d6 2.B:e8 ~ 3.B:g6# Good key and interesting using of bQ defensive weakness including logical try (Diyan Kostadinov).
7) 1.Qa8? (2.Qe8#), 1…B:c3+ 2.Kb5! ~3.Qe8# 1…B:e3+ 2.Ka5! ~ 3.Qe8#, 1…B:c5+ 2.Kb3! ~ 3.Qe8#, 1…B:e5+! 1.Qc6! (2.Qe8#) 1…B:c3+ 2.Kb5! ~3.Qe8#, 1…B:e3+ 2.Ka5! ~ 3.Qe8# 1…B:c5+ 2.Kb3! ~ 3.Qe8#, 1…B:e5+ 2.Ra3! ~ 3.Qe8# Black Bishop Star, duel between wK and bB, quiet w2 moves (Diyan Kostadinov).
8) a) 1.Qc4+ Ka3 2.Kd3 e4+ 3.Kc2 e3(e5) 4.Kb1 e5(e3) 5.Ka1 e4 6.Bh6 b3 7.Ra2+ b:a2 8.Qc3+ Bxc3# b) 1.Rb2+ Ka3 2.Rd2+ Kb3 3.Rd1 Ka2 4.Qa1+ Kb3 5.Kd3 e4+ 6.Kd2 e5 7.Qc1 Ka2 8.Kc2 b3# Interesting play and very nice position – Meredith (Diyan Kostadinov).
9) 1.Bg6? 1…g1S!, 1.Bg8? 1…g1B! 1.g8B! (zz) 1…g1S 2.Qa1+! (Sa4+?) Kc4 3.Sd4+ e6 4.Qa4+! (Qa2+?) Kc3 5.Se2+ S:e2# 1…g1B 2.Sa4+! (Qa1+?) Kd3 3.Re5+ f5 4.Sb2+! (Sac5+?) Kc3 5.Re3+ B:e3# White indirect batteries become direct, switchbacks, dual avoidance, black underpromotions, good position (Author).
1.Se2? (2.Qb7#), 1…Ke4 2.Sf4#, 1…e4 2.Sf4#, 1…Sb6! 1.Sf5? (2.Qb3#), 1…Ke6 2.Se3#, 1…e4 2.Se3#, 1…Sb6! 1.Sc2! (2.Qb5#), 1…Kc4/Kc6 2.Qb3/Qb7#, 1…e4 2.Se3# Sushkov, recur of threat mates, bK Star.
Your suggestions, comments and new originals are always welcome!
site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
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