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Originals - May 2012 (Part 2)

logo   This is the second part of KoBulChess Originals May 2012. Here are helpmates and fairy problems. Wellcome to all composers who took a part in May 2012 originals: Evgeniy Permyakov, Alberto Armeni, Zivko Janevski, Valerio Agostini, Nikolay Dimitrov, Josef Holubec, Antonio Garofalo, Fabio Magini, Dmitri Turevski, Themis Argirakopoulos, Pierre Tritten, Krassimir Gandev, S.K. Balasubramanian, Chris Feather and Paul Raican. I thank you all!


KoBulChess Originals - May 2012 (Part 2) 

Judges for 2012: #2 - GM Milan Velimirovic IJ, #3 - FM Evgeny Fomichev IJ,

S# - GM Petko Petkov IJ, H# - IM Zoran Gavrilovski IJ,

Fairies - IM Manfred Rittirsch IJ

Editor: Diyan Kostadinov IJ (email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )





10) 1.Sbd5+ Qb6 2.Rc7 Qe3#, 1.Sfd5+ Qf6 2.Re7 Qf4#

Mixed BiValve, selfblocks, pins-unpins, pin mates. (Diyan Kostadinov)


11) 1.Kc6 Kc8 2.Red5 Be8#, 1.Ke6 Ke8 2.Bf6 B f7#

      1.Qd3 B d1 2.Kc4 Bb3#, 1.Bd3 B:e2 2.Ke4 Bf3#

Star flights of the black King (Author) King star is very often realized, hope that this is not direct anticipated.(Diyan Kostadinov)


12) 1.Bd6 Qd2 2.Sf4 Sd4#, duplex: 1.Se7 Qc8 2.Bf5 Q:c5#

Very nice play including mixed Bivalve. (Diyan Kostadinov)




13) a) 1.Kh8 f8Q#

     b) 1.Ka6 b7 2.Ra8 b8Q 3.Bd8 Q:a8#

     c) 1.Kh3 g:h4 2.Rg6 h5 3.Kh4 h6 4.Kh5 h7 5.Kh6 h8Q#

     d) 1.Be2+ K:e2 2.d3+ c:d3 3.c2 d4 4.Kc3 d:e5 5.Kd4 e6 6.Ke5 e7 7.Ke6 e8Q#

The theme of helpmate section of the BCPS 2012 Tourney dedicated to Olympic games in London 2012 attract my attention, because was non standard: Part (a) H#n, where n=0.5; 1; 1.5; 2 and so on. Any kind of twinning leads to Part (b) H#(n+2). The sequence may be continued as far as desired, increasing leght by 2 each time: part (c) H#(n+4), part (d) H#(n+6) and so on. Each part must have a single solution.

Here the theme is realized with four thematic solutions (probably a task!), four white Queen promotions and model mates in white minimal form and interesting twins with rotations. The play is in all directions of the board! This was one of the most difficult helpmate which I composed and it took me more than 6-7 months. (Author)




The definitions of fairy pieces and conditions are on the following link: http://kobulchess.com/en/definitions/fairy-pieces-and-conditions.html


14) 1... Be7(A) 2.Kc5! Sd3+(B) 3.Kc4 Se5# (C)

       1... Sd3(B) 2.Kd6 Se5(C) 3.Be8 Be7# (A)

Miniature with an incomplete cycle ABC-BCA of white moves. Anti-Circe condition is better use in second final position. (Diyan Kostadinov)


15) 1.Sa2 R:a2(bK=rS) 2.rS:e1(wK=rB) rB:c3(brS=K)# [3.K:d1(wrB=rS)??]

      1.Bb5 K:b5(bK=rB) 2.rB:d1(wK=rS) rS:c3(brB=K)# [3.K:e1(wrS=rB)??]

KoBul Kings effects, reciprocal changes of function and economic fairy echo mates. (Author) Very nice problem with specific fairy play. (Diyan Kostadinov)




16) 1.B:g4(wK=rS) rSa6 2.0-0-0 Bb7#, 1.B:d5(wK=rB) rBc3 2.0-0 Sh6#
Castling, Zilahi, Model mates, Meredith. (Author) Interesting two castling problem with Zilahi.(Diyan Kostadinov)


17) 1.Rh2 S:e4(Se3) 2.K:d5(Kh1) R:d2(Re1)#

       1.h4 Be6 2.K:f6(Kh5) B:g4(Be2)#

       1.Rc8 Bc6 2.K:d6(Kd8) S:g4(Se6)#

Preventive selfblock by Black, freeing a square for their King, cyclic Zilahi. (Author) Cyclic change of functions of white pieces and Zilahi - another excellent Take & Make problem by Pierre! (Diyan Kostadinov)


18) a) 1…f5 2.nrcVAf4(PA) nrcPA:f6(LE) 3.nrcLEh8(CA) f:g6=

      b) 1…e:f6 2.nrcVAd6(PA) nrcPA:g6(LE) 3.nrcLEf7(CA) nrcCAh8(VA)=

Durbar, Ideal fairy stalemate positions, Tanagra. Probably this is the first composition with Chameleon Chinese pieces and we dedicate it to the creator of „Chameleon piece” – GM Petko Petkov, who present it 50 years ago! (Authors)




19) 1.rSf4 RL:e3-e4(brS=rRL)+ 2.rRL:e4-d4(wK=rRL) rRL:g7-h7(brRL=rBL)#

[2…BL:g7-f6(brRL=rBL)? 3.rBL:f6-g7(wrRL=rBL)!]

       1.rSg5 BL:g7-f6(brS=rBL)+ 2.rBL:f6-e7(wK=rBL) rBL:e3-f2(brBL=rRL)#

[2…RL:e3-e4(brBL=rRL)? 3.rRL:e4-e3(wrBL=rRL)!]

Excellent fairy play with specific moves and transformations, nice dual avoidance and perfect clear position – miniature without technical pieces! Dear chess-friend Bala, thank you very much for the dedication! (Diyan Kostadinov)


20) 1...BR:c6 2.Kd5 BRc2 3.Kc6 BRe4#, 1...BRd5 2.Kf5 BR:e6 3.Bf4 BRe4#

Very nice two Rundlaufs by the white Bishop/Rook-hunter which looks interesting fairy piece. (Diyan Kostadinov)


21) 1.Qc3 Sa5 2.Bb1 N:b4#, 1.Qc6 Sa3 2.b3 N:e4#

Interesting unpins by bQ and black selfblocks by unpined pieces, change of functions and model mates. (Diyan Kostadinov)




22) a) 1.b5+ c:b5 2.rcCAc7(rcVA) PAa4 3.rcVAd8(rcPA) PAa5

4.rcPAa8(rcLE)+ Bb8#

      b) 1.rcCA:c4(rcVA) d5+ 2.rcVA:f7(rcPA) b5 3.rcPAf8(rcLE) b6

4.rcLEa8(rcCA) Kb7#

Another Chameleon Chinese pieces problem, here with two Royal Rundlaufs - 3 steps/ 4 steps. (Authors)


23) a) 1.e6 LI:e8 2.GRf6 LIc8#, b) 1.LIe4 LIc8+ 2.Be6 LIg5#

Pikabish on e6. (Authors) White battery play and black pins. (Diyan Kostadinov)


24) 1.d2-d6 f7:a2 2.d:e7 a:b1Q 3.c:d8S Q:b2 4.S:b7 Q:b7 5.f2:a7 Qb7-d8 6.a:b8Q Ra2 7.Qb3 Ba3 8.Q:g8+ Ra2:g8 9.R:a3 d7:d1S! 10.Rf3 Qd2+ 11.Kf2 S:f1 12.Pg2-e3 g7:g1S 13.Rf3-g2 Sh3+ 14.h2:h3 Sh2 15.R1:h2.

Ceriani-Frolkin QSss, Phoenix-Pronkin q. (Author) Very interesting fairy Proof Game with Ceriani-Frolkin and Phoenix-Pronkin. The problem is not computer tested, so this is good challenge for the solvers! (Diyan Kostadinov)


Your suggestions, comments and new originals are always welcome!




+5 #1 dkostadinov 2012-06-08 11:48
I hope that the visitors are enjoying with these nice originals. You can share you opinion about them here.
+6 #2 dkostadinov 2012-06-08 17:20
I have received the following comments by email:
Themis Argirakopoulos: "Nice problems and interesting comments." He also noted that his name has misprint. Thank you Themis, it was corrected.
S.K. Balasubramanian: "Dear Diyan, Your helpmate problem with 4 phases (H#1,3,5 &7) published in the Originals Part 2 of your Web Site is an excellent one. It is very tough to imagine such a theme. Further, all the mates are having matching strategy of queen promotion and mates with queen. Really a very tough task and no wonder that it took more than 6 months. Congratulations!" Thank you very much Bala!
+5 #3 sergey 2012-06-09 10:28
Diyan, is there separate categories for H#2 - H#n and S#2 - S#n or all selfmates and helpmates will be included in same award?
+6 #4 dkostadinov 2012-06-09 11:16
Thanks for this question Sergey. Actually sections for helpmates and selfmates are not separated as H#2/n and S#2/n, but of course the judges can decide to split them if they think that will be needed.
+7 #5 S. K.Balasubramanian 2012-06-09 11:51
In my problem 19, I forgot to mention that brSh3 was suggested by my friend Mr. K. Seetharaman. Initially I used the following setting with the following solutions:
Wh: Ka7 Pb4 Ph3 RLe1 BLh8
Bl: Kh4 Pf4 Pg5 RLe3 BLg7

H#2 (2 Sol) KoBul Kings on a7 & h4

1.f3 RLxe3-e4[brK=rRL] 2.rRLxe4-d4[wrK=rRL] rRLxg7-h7[brRL=rBL] (BLxg7-f6?)
1.g4 BLxg7-f6[brK=rBL] 2.rBLxf6-e7[wrK=rBL] rBLxe3-f2 [brBL=rRL] (RLxe3-e4?) #

I thank Mr.Seetharaman for his fine suggestion.
+5 #6 dkostadinov 2012-06-09 12:03
Quoting S. K.Balasubramanian:
In my problem 19, I forgot to mention that brSh3 was suggested by my friend Mr. K. Seetharaman. Initially I used the following setting:
Wh: Ka7 Pb4 Ph3 RLe1 BLh8
Bl: Kh4 Pf4 Pg5 RLe3 BLg7
I thank Mr.Seetharaman for his fine suggestion.

Both versions are good, but yes - without pawns the position is perfect clear and miniature. Well done!
+5 #7 seetharaman 2012-07-17 20:04
Your helpmate fourfold (N.13) would have won the top prize in the Problemist tourney (the awards are out now). Obviously it was too difficult to finish within the due date.
+4 #8 dkostadinov 2012-07-17 21:49
Thank you Ram. Actually this my helpmate (n.13) was participated into the BCPS Olympic Tourney, but it was not included into the award... I was very disappointed, because I was sure that this is task for realisation of the tourney theme, with interesting twin form and thematic connection between the solutions, but probably my opinion was not right, because the problem was not awarded even with commendation...Probably such a task problems looks somehow schematic... I still do not saw the results from the tourney. Do you saw it somewhere?
+4 #9 seetharaman 2012-07-18 15:32
It does look a little schematic. Still I am surprised at its omission in the award. The award is available here: www.theproblemist.org/.../
+3 #10 seetharaman 2012-07-23 11:48
N.19 is a great idea. I think will be quoted widely as advertisement for Kobul Kings! I like the fact the Royal knight moves from the side to the open board to get mated !
+2 #11 dkostadinov 2012-07-23 20:11
Yes, n.19 is one more masterpiece from S.K.Balasubramanian - great fairy play and clear miniature aristocrat position! It's very good that both Kings are transformed and have an active role in solution.
+1 #12 paul 2013-05-18 06:53
The idea of N#13 was realized with a white Pawn four times in the same problem, so four Excelsiors (by Diyan himself?) Maybe this is the reason that the problem N#13 was not classified at BCPS Olympic Tourney.
+3 #13 paul 2013-05-18 07:03
About N#13: For more Q promotions in a h#, see the excellent article by Diyan kobulchess.com/en/articles/9-2011-08-02-06-15-19/43-short-articles-part-1.html
+2 #14 Diyan Kostadinov 2013-05-18 07:43
No Paul, the idea of n.13 was never presented before! In all six examples in my article which you noted above the main concept is single wP Excelsiors and Q promotions + Albino or model mates or corner mates. But in my problem n.13 the main goal here is not Excelsiors, but the original twin mechanism with +2 moves in each twin (which was the theme of the BCPS Tourney and this is a task realisation) enriched with rotations of the diagram and play in all directions which was incredibly difficult. Together with the four wQ promotions and model mates as a connection, the thematic content of the problem is shown here for the first time.
So the reason that the problem were not awarded can not be about its originality and still wondering and hurt me, but it doesn't matter, the life go on and the problem is participating in this tourney now.

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 General editor:

Diyan Kostadinov


Seetharaman Kalyan

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