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Problem 294: Karol Mlynka - Fairy (Hamster, Grasshopper, Haaner Chess)

mlynka(22.12.2013) Fairy problem with very interesting way to creation of anti-batteries using a different twins form by Karol Mlynka from Slovakia.


a) 1.Rd3 Gd4  2.Re3 Gf2  3.Rh3 HAg3#

b) 1.Bd7 Gd8  2.Be6 HAd5  3.Bh3 HAg5#

c) 1.Rg3 Ke5  2.Kg5 Ke4  3.Kg4 HAf3#

Creation of anti-batteries (2 after switchback), selfblocks and  (chameleon) echo model

mates. (Author)

Hamster: moves like a Grasshopper but deflect 180o on passing over the hurdle.

Haaner Chess: any already left square can not be neither occupied nor crossed.

Grasshopper: hops on Q-lines over any one unit (the hurdle) to the next square beyond. 


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