The League of Macedonian Problemists 2012 |
1st Place - 12 points; 2nd Pl. - 10 pts; 3rd Pl. - 9 pts; 10th Pl. - 2 pts; a correct, non-anticipated and thematic problem - 1 point. The overall ranking will be based on the sum of points from all rounds. In the event of a tie, the best placed problems will count. Please, send problems by 30 September 2012 to Zoran Gavrilovski, P. fah 137, Skopje MK-1001, Macedonia (e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ). The awards will be published at the end of 2012. Theme (for all sections): “Dual avoidance, which can be reciprocal [№ 2], cyclic [№ 4] or free [№ 3]. Triple avoidance is also allowed [№ 1].” Judges: #2 – Predrag Zuvic (Croatia); #3 – Zlatko Mihajloski (Macedonia); S#2-4 – Zivko Janevski (Macedonia); H#2 – Silvio Baier (Germany).
EXAMPLES: 1) 1.Rd8/Rd4/Rd3? (2.Rc7#) , 1...Se2/Se4/Sf5! 1.Rd2! (2.Rc7#) 1...Se2 2.Bd6# A [B/C?] , 1...Se4 2.Qe3# B [C/A?] , 1...Sf5 2.Qc3# C [B/A?]
2) 1.Ke7! (2.Bc5+ Ke5 3.Qh2#) 1...Q:b3 2.Q:e4+ d:e4 3.Be5# [2.Be5+? K:c4!] 1...Q:d1 2.Be5+ K:e5 3.Q:e4# [2.Q:e4+? Kc3!] 1...g:f5 2.Qg7+ Sf6 3.Q:f6#
3) 1.Bd4! (zugzwang) 1...Kc6 2.Sf8 [Sc5?] Bc2#, 1...Ke6 2.Sb8 [Se5?] Bc2# 1...Kc4/Ke4/Kd4/Kd6 2.Sc5/Se5/Se3/Sf4 Bc2#
4) 1.Q:a5 f5 [b6?] 2.S:d4 Bf4# 1.Q:d2 b6 [a7?] 2.S:a5 Sb5# 1.Q:d4 a7 [f5?] 2.S:d2 Ra6# |
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Seetharaman Kalyan
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