Video presentation of study with Zabunov theme by Yochanan Afek |
Take a look that the Zabunov theme occurs after playing of the white Bishop g8 on d5 (the Bishop is front piece of the first thematic battery B-R and become a rear piece of the second battery P-B) . You can see my article "The Zabunov theme in Selfmates" on the following link:
Yochanan Afek 2006 Dedicated to Karel van Delft - 50
Win (7+2) Solution: 1.Ra8+ K:a8 2.f8Q+ Q:f8 3.e7! Q:e7 4.Bd5+! Ka7 5.Ra8+! K:a8 6.c7+ Ka7 7.c8S+ Kb8 8.S:e7 win
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