Задача 518: Zivko Janevski - Helpmate |
518. Zivko Janevski (Macedonia) 01.02.2015
![]() H#2 4 sol. (5+10)
I. 1.S7f6 Sf4 2.e2 Sd3#
II. 1.Rf6 f4+ 2.Ke6 Sxd4#
III. 1.S5f6 Bh6 2.Qd5 Bf4#
IV. 1.Qa6 Bc5 2.Qd6 Bxd4#
Combination of Black Arrival Correction with triple self-blocks on f6 and double self-block by the BD.
- 1 solution (I solution) & 2 solutions (II and III solution) are related: Black Arrival Correction with triple self-blocks on f6 and black Square Vacation in corrective phases (II & III).
- 2 solutions (III solution and IV solution) are related: Double self-blocks by the BQ and static echo mates by the WB.
All solutions are connected by black self-block!
I try searching for possibilities of such type of multi solutions combinations!
Another form of HOTF? (Seetharaman) |
Главен редактор:
Диян Костадинов
Помощник редактор:
Seetharaman Kalyan