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Chess problems
Problem 1030: Dragan Stojnic - Threemover
dragan stojnic(31.12.2019) This is the last published original for 2019 - a wonderful threemover by Dragan Stojnic showing a complex Cyclone theme! Happy new 2020 year to all our visitors!
Problems 1028 & 1029: Mikhail Gershinsky & Aleksandr Pankratiev - Helpmates
aleksandr.pankratievmichael.gershinski(31.12.2019) Few more originals in last minutes of the year. Happy to present two nice helpmates from the Russian masters with apologies for the belated publication. With this I have published all helpmate originals I have received. If I missed any please resend. (Seetharaman)


Problem 1027: Velko Aleksandrov - Fairy (Patrol Chess)
velko.aleksandrov(31.12.2019) This is the last fairy original for 2019! A problem by the bulgarian maestro Velko Aleksandrov.
Problem 1026: Jozef Holubec - Selfmate
jozef.holubec(31.12.2019) A selfmate longmover by Jozef Holubec.
Problem 1025: Udo Degener - Fairy (ABC, KoeKo, Royal Sparrow, neutrals)
udo.degener(31.12.2019) A fairy original with echo mates and neutral pieces. Welcome to Udo Degener!
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site for chess composition

 General editor:

Diyan Kostadinov


Seetharaman Kalyan

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