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Chess problems
Problem 1000: Petko Petkov - Fairy (RAO, NAO, PAO, VAO)
petko.petkov.2(14.10.2019) Our jubilee problem number 1000 is a fantastic fairy original by the top bulgarian composer gm Petko Petkov! As he said this is one of the best his problems for the year, so enjoy the play and author's comments!
Problem 999: Miloje Ilic & Branislav Djurasevic - Helpmate
ilic.djurasevic(11.10.2019) Wonderful duplex helpmate by the serbian tandem Miloje Ilic & Branislav Djurasevic. You can see also brief biographies by both authors. Welcome to KoBulChess for Miloje Ilic!
Problems 997 & 998: Janos Csak - Helpmates
janos.csak(08.10.2019) We continue our original publications with two wonderful helpmates by Janos Csak which are with rich thematic content.
Problem 996: Fadil Abdurahmanovic & Menachem Witztum - Helpmate
fadil.abdurahmanovicmenachem.witztum(30.07.2019) Wishing all the best to Fadil Abdurahmanovic on his 80th birthday (27th July) we are happy to publish his nice helpmate showing complex line play and anticipatory unpins! Entries to his  jubiliee tourney are to be sent by September 15. 
Problem 995: Viktor Syzonenko - Fairy
viktor.syzonenko(16.07.2019) A Help-Selfmate with interesting play and Echo mates by Viktor Syzonenko.
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